Here's the last update on Phase 2:
toothsaber: Thanks for the opportunity. I would like to guess Osmos and Never Alone.
Both not in the pool.
user_7643: Im interested in Burnout paradise, well because im a big racing gamer at hearth. good old Gran Turismo PS1 times.
Ive attached an paint sketch with your name on the plate. Please dont laugh! ;)
Accepted. PM goes out soon.
stardustie: [ ] -
Ive added some scene description through the song Accepted. Although your lyrics seem to be off by 1 verse before the refrain.
PM on its way...
dreamer8411: Please EA make this for next-gen consoles and PC !
Thanks for the chance.
Not accepted. However I think of it, I can't make any sense of it. Sorry.
newdude: Hi. My first multiplayer game was Medal of Honor back in a day, even thought many liked Call of Duty.
I read some review in an italian magazine that the 2010 version have a good story on the singleplayer campaign.
Accepted. PM out soon.
Before people get mad at me for "wtf! y u giving out stuff to scammers!?!":
I accepted these entries as they show that whoever posted them has at least put some work into it.