HereForTheBeer: Flood of jump-scare games in 3... 2... 1...
Not for me (eyesight issues, among other things) but it's nice that these are coming out at a price that is 'affordable' for many folks. And I'm sure that they'll get the plug-and-play issues nailed down in time; actually, they HAVE to, since the average user will not have your patience to make it work.
There are a couple of "jump scare" type games already. I think "The Visitor" is one of them. However, "The Magic Shop", one of the mini-experiences in "The Lab" is kind of like walking through one of those haunted houses with animatronics, something I would find at say, Disney World or Universal Studios.
Nothing really "jumps out" at you, but when you focus your line of sight on some things, it may trigger an action. A frog comes to life and reacts to the light you're holding, bats fly off, a large creature appears in an outside window.... and what's really neat, is that touching certain glyphs in the shop may change your size and transport you to another location, like a beam at the top of the shop looking down or a ledge on the outside window. You actually get the sense of height when you walk toward the ledge to look down.
My wife played Longbow, a "tower defense" type demo where you shoot invaders with a bow and arrow from a parapet. However, you can look over the edge (and I was surprised to see my controller was actually casting a shadow on the ground) and watch the invaders run by. She had to stop playing it because she is sensitive to heights and while she didn't get motion sickness, she was getting vertigo.
Hunter65536: I'm not sure if this has already been asked but can people with eyeglasses(myopia) use it?
Edit: To be more clear I was wondering if there was enough gap near eyes to accommodate spectacles.
Absolutely! While contacts probably work best, I have a pair of thick rimmed engineering (a/k/a 'Poindexter') type glasses and they fit just fine in the Vive. (Which BTW, has an adjustment to move the lenses forward as well.
They fit without problems when I use the velcro straps properly, however, if you yank off the headset, you may occasionally find your glasses left behind in the HMD.
shane-o: I'm glad to see another VR person here :) Thanks for posting your experience as I always love to read others experiences in VR. If you play anything that's really rad, make sure to update here please :)
I get my HTC Vive this week (next two or three days) and have specifically bought a new computer for it and my coming CV1 (Oculus Rift)
I.can't.wait :D
Awesome! I think probably sometime in the next year I'll be upgrading my PC too, while what I have is currently sufficient, I want to make sure I have room to grow, as my PC is already almost 3 years old (at least most of the parts).
I looked at some of the games on the Oculus store and hopefully not all of them are exclusive. I would really like to try "The Climb", a lot of the games on SteamVR right now are still in development and just have demos, but at least they give one a taste of what to expect when the game is released.
The best we can do as VR enthusiasts is certainly support the developers. I am definitely going to dabble with it using Unity since this is a good time to get in on the ground floor.
Sounds like you're going to be having a lot of fun soon, enjoy!