Posted November 27, 2022

New Mouser
Registered: Nov 2015
From Denmark

Registered: Dec 2013
From Poland

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted November 27, 2022
I don't think Valve has ever made a game that I would be actually interested in playing.

There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland

Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted November 27, 2022

I'm not a Half-Life fan. But I thought Portal 1/2 were decent.
Post edited November 27, 2022 by EverNightX

🔴I'm just glad that cows don't fly YO
Registered: Dec 2017
From Portugal
Posted November 27, 2022

(Incidentally, I think a similar distro, but without the steam client, might be an interesting option.)
I would also love some sort of distro but there's liitle chance someone put as much money, effort and manpower as Valve has put on SteamOS3.
I am not advocating the use of Steam, also would prefer to not use it at all and the OS still have a lot of rough edges but even not very technichal minded people can play games on Linux just fine with little more than a click on the "play" button.
Post edited November 27, 2022 by Dark_art_

Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted November 27, 2022

Sorry, I don't know the ins and outs of the system.
I would also love some sort of distro but there's liitle chance someone put as much money, effort and manpower as Valve has put on SteamOS3.
I am not advocating the use of Steam, also would prefer to not use it at all and the OS still have a lot of rough edges but even not very technichal minded people can play games on Linux just fine with little more than a click on the "play" button.

Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted November 27, 2022

I welcome anyone to try it regardless of their technical knowledge. The more people use it the more improvements will be made for all.

🔴I'm just glad that cows don't fly YO
Registered: Dec 2017
From Portugal
Posted November 28, 2022
Totally agree and I would go further, the same is possibly true for Valve's involvement in Linux. On one hand is great to have many games available now, on the other, the "old school thinking" that Linux community like open/non-proprietary software seems to be slowly dying. I recall some random Linux hardcore Youtuber saying the only proprietary software he would use are games, because games are fun (I believe was some guy name Brian Lunduke?).
If that's good or bad we shall see. If Linux continues to be a major open platform or it turns like GOG. A Windows alternative focusing on becoming just like Windows itself.
TBH, the Steam Deck experience is actually pretty plug-n-play, at least for the so called "verified games". Community made stuff, like Retrodeck, Heroic and a truck load of games seems to be pretty much the same, wich are available from the "Discover app" also called the "Deck's play store"...
If that's good or bad we shall see. If Linux continues to be a major open platform or it turns like GOG. A Windows alternative focusing on becoming just like Windows itself.
TBH, the Steam Deck experience is actually pretty plug-n-play, at least for the so called "verified games". Community made stuff, like Retrodeck, Heroic and a truck load of games seems to be pretty much the same, wich are available from the "Discover app" also called the "Deck's play store"...
Post edited November 28, 2022 by Dark_art_

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted November 28, 2022
Linux is strong in many areas where you don't expect to see Windows as much, like on servers, high performance computing, and sometimes even in embedded systems. In these areas, you don't see Linux becoming more like Windows; if anything, you sometimes even see the reverse.

Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted November 28, 2022
How many people have a cell phone? How many of those run Windows? Think about it.
Windows is legacy. I don't think it has a long future.
Windows is legacy. I don't think it has a long future.
Post edited November 28, 2022 by EverNightX
user deleted
New User
Registered: Jan 2022
From United States
Posted November 28, 2022

What software will you install on it? This includes, but is not limited to:
* Linux distribution
* Desktop environment
* Game launcher (like Lutris, Heroic Game Launcher) if you choose to use one
Also, it would help if you would explain why you would make your specific choices.
GNOME Cosmic
I don't use any launchers. I just install the binaries.

Yes B'y!
Registered: Aug 2019
From Canada
Posted November 28, 2022

Windows is legacy. I don't think it has a long future.
What a disaster.
I've never seen a software launch so botched in the past 10 years (and that's saying something given the last 5 or 6 years of AAA game releases). It's somehow more resource-intensive than Windows 10, runs slower, requires very specific hardware on the motherboard just to get past the boot screen, all in an effort to look and feel like iOS.
All I've just typed is my opinion, of course, but I will say that my local computer store is offering free 'downgrades' to Windows 10 on any new Windows 11 system. I haven't seen that since Windows Vista.

Registered: Nov 2011
From Other

New Mouser
Registered: Nov 2015
From Denmark
Posted November 28, 2022

But, like with movies and TV series, there are lots of games I enjoy playing to completion once, and never return to. For those I kinda think the rental model feels more "honest" than a DRM'ed purchase, where I can't even be sure I'll be able to run the thing 5+ years from now. Even if the game itself ought to run fine, will the DRM be compatible?
However, I completely agree with you in disliking the general move to abolish out-and-out ownership and switch to the service model (more palatable name for rental) and its never-ending payments. It's almost dystopian, IMO.

While Xbox Cloud Gaming does work incredibly well IMO, it's still only got a limited set of games available. Close to 400 IIRC, including some great ones, but not necessarily the one you might fancy at any given time, and not even all the games otherwise available on Game Pass PC and/or Console.