Posted October 22, 2015

What actually happened, however, was the following:
1. Ghost Ship kills everyone except Claudia, who doesn't have the paralyze spell and only has a bow.
2. Claudia's turn comes, and she is attacking.
3. Light bulb above Claudia's head. (This is called a "Glimmer" in this game, and is the means by which you learn new weapon techniques.)
4. Claudia uses Shadow Shot. (A move she just learned because that's how glimmer's work; this bow technique has a chance of causing instant death.)
5. The instant death effect of Shadow Shot worked, killing the boss (who evidently was not immune to instant death)!
That's not the only interesting random event I have seen in a cRPG; here are a few more.
SaGa 2 remake: Final battle, only one character survives, but then a muse appears and revives everyone.
Dragon Quest 5 (SFC version): In this game, there is a spell that produces random effects (called Chance in older Dragon Warrior translations and Hocus Pocus in modern Dragon Quest translations). One of the possible effects is to paralyze all battle participants, which is not something that will recover over time and is therefore a game over if the whole party is paralyzed. (Note that paralyzed characters still get experience if you win the battle, however.) It turns out that enemies can cast the spell, and that particular effect happened to be twice on my first playthrough.
1. In a dungeon where the wagon was not present, a Moon Eye cast the spell, Result was a rather annoying party wipe.
2. In the final dungeon, a Metal King Slime cast the spell. However, the wagon was present, so the characters in the wagon jumped out, and I could then easily kill the Metal King Slime without any chance of it running away. (Anyone familiar with the DQ series knows why this is a good thing.)
I also had Final Fantasy 6 softlock on me once without any bugs or glitches involved.