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low rated
The US military designed the internet to have a data network which could withstand a nuclear attack. Today, the internet influences every aspect of our life, and has altered the way our mind work. (source: 'The Shallows' by Nicholas G. Carr) Also, the net has been use to expose the militarys own crimes against humanity. Not at all what they had in mind when they designed it.

It is the same with VR. We have the technology, and there is a market, so of course it get produced. But we have no idea where it will take us.

Back in the days of the television, some guy suggested that the television media itself had its own message, which would take precendence despite the messengers intentions: "The media is the message". Likewise, Twitter and Youtube comments have a different message than a book or a painting. You may try to say something deep and profound on Twitter, but the medias inherient message will always dominate. Likewise, it is hard to be streetwise and tough in a haiku poem.

Virtual Reality is a new media. More than that, it is a new reality. A virtual one, but a reality nonetheless. We don't know what its message is. But I feel VR might bring about some deeper, more empathic digital experiences. (And end the world, of course.)

Which is why I created this slideshow of vintage 3D erotica for the Rift:
I don't have a soul.
This is your soul.
This is your soul on VR.
low rated
I'm a triffle disappointed with GOG's lack of VR games. I think it would be nice to have an alternative to the DRM heavy Steam and the even worse Oculus Home.

Race the Sun and Strike Suit Zero had VR support back in 2013. However, when I tested the games, I couldn't get it to run on Oculus Rift. Most likely they were made for Oculus DK1, and were never updated for the consumer version.

MIND - Path to Thalamus Enhanced Edition (2015)
I held off playing this one because I wanted to experience it in VR. The devs says that Virtual Reality is supported, but it didn't work on my Oculus Rift. First, at the games start, SteamVR is initiated. When you strap on your helmet, you see a very pretty 3D menu. And then you're stuck there.

Q.U.B.E. Director's Cut (2014)
Its page says it supports Oculus Rift, but I couldn't get it to connect.

There's a few other games that may or may not have VR support - it is possible they only support the old DK1/DK2 versions:
Slender, Sublevel Zero, Monague's Mount, Either One Redux, The Solus Project, P.O.L.L.E.N.. But I don't own those, so can't test them.

I think GOG should have a working VR game. I think GOG should have this one!

Gon' E-Choo! is an extremely ambitious simulation of a 80s arcade machine. The cellar the cabinet is placed in is pretty detailed, and contains stuff you can interact with. The environment is kinda an exploration game in itself.
The machine is so detailed that you can lean in and distingush the individual 'pixels' in the CRT monitor. It also got a feature where you can watch your own reflection on the screen, using your webcam.

The gameplay is blatantly cloning Popeye, which I haven't played. Its visuals are based on a furry webcomic in funny animal style. You play an otter who has to collect paper planes across three different levels, while avoiding getting stung by bees or swallowed whole by a alligator. But beware! The inherient erotic aspect of being swallowed alive by a cartoon animal has caused some controversy:

"this is only a game for unwilling vore fetishists. the graphics and codeing are both amazing. but the theme and content are appalling. even to a furry."

"After cramming the poor creature down it's throat the gator makes a revolting, erotically satisfied face. I agree with the other players that tagged this as a vore-fetish game!"

Eh ... okay? Yeah, I guess it's somehow naughty, or so they say. Anyway, the game is pretty great! Works without VR too.

Some screenshots attached below - and here's a wishlist:
Post edited August 12, 2016 by KasperHviid
I would like the Gon' E-Choo! to be available on GOG, but right now it can be found on Steam really cheap!.
VR is quite an old media actually.
VR as it is now (head mounted display and motion controllers) are merely a temporary work around until technology allows the final iteration of this idea, which is total immersion by direct sensory input that bypasses the sensory organs themselves.

While this may sound like fantasy, it is possible and I would say basic system will be being tested in the next 10 years.
Smannesman: VR is quite an old media actually.
And it's definately not a "new reality", it's just a different version of a screen + controller. Playing a game with VR gear on my head doesn't make it any more of a "new realit" then playing it on PC. One could just as well call 3D movies a "new reality".
mechmouse: VR as it is now (head mounted display and motion controllers) are merely a temporary work around until technology allows the final iteration of this idea, which is total immersion by direct sensory input that bypasses the sensory organs themselves.

While this may sound like fantasy, it is possible and I would say basic system will be being tested in the next 10 years.
if that level of tech is ever made possible it should IMHO be used for more than just VR, as in helping the disabled.
I tried Google Cardboard once and it reformatted my soul to FAT32. Now I have to ask girlfriends if they're bigger than 4 gigs because anything bigger than that is incompatible. Thanks for nothing, VR.
mechmouse: VR as it is now (head mounted display and motion controllers) are merely a temporary work around until technology allows the final iteration of this idea, which is total immersion by direct sensory input that bypasses the sensory organs themselves.

While this may sound like fantasy, it is possible and I would say basic system will be being tested in the next 10 years.
Rusty_Gunn: if that level of tech is ever made possible it should IMHO be used for more than just VR, as in helping the disabled.
They are.
There are already implants that has allowed a blind person to see a 8x8 digital grid and there are tests where artificial limbs give the sensation of touch.

Its these current experiments combined with better understanding of the brain that will eventually lead to total immersion.
227: I tried Google Cardboard once and it reformatted my soul to FAT32. Now I have to ask girlfriends if they're bigger than 4 gigs because anything bigger than that is incompatible. Thanks for nothing, VR.
Well this is why the Victorians worked with compression. try corsets.
Post edited August 13, 2016 by mechmouse
Assuming the possibility of implants, goggles will be far cheaper and easier to upgrade over time and will suit my needs just fine. Frankly, I am a bit uncomfortable with the idea of someone messing with such a fragile portion of the human body without medical necessity, but if there is such a need, I have no issue with it.

Also, I am curious as to the so called advantages of vr aside from entertainment as it is already illigal in many areas to use augmented reality whilst driving, walking down busy streets (idiots walking into traffic), pokemon's growing infamy, osha would go bonkers (again, idiots being idiots), etc
Post edited August 13, 2016 by paigosa
People had virtual reality, ie artificial or fictional reality well before Oculus and Vive. It was in their heads. Its quite a popular hobby as well, to live in your own detached reality.
Post edited August 13, 2016 by Shadowstalker16
paigosa: Assuming the possibility of implants, goggles will be far cheaper and easier to upgrade over time and will suit my needs just fine. Frankly, I am a bit uncomfortable with the idea of someone messing with such a fragile portion of the human body without medical necessity, but if there is a medical need, I have no issue with it.

Also, I am curious as to the so called advantages of vr aside from entertainment as it is already illigal in many areas to use augmented reality whilst driving, walking down busy streets (idiots walking into traffic), pokemon's growing infamy, osha would go bonkers (again, idiots being idiots), etc
Today such technology require invasive surgery to work, and will do for at least another decade. So yes Goggles are preferable, for now.

But there are meta-materials being developed which could reduce an MMR machine down to the size of a 50's style bonnet hair dryer while increasing resolution. The parts of the brain that deal with sight, sound and touch are on the surface of the brain and maybe accessible to manipulation by directed electron beams. Smell and taste (from what I understand) are deeper to the core and harder to reach. So it might be possible to achieve total immersion with out surgical alteration.

What if its not and some body modification is required. We could go to the Sci-Fi staple of the nano-bot. Truthfully I don't see a machine small and smart enough to do neural surgery existing for many decades. But why bother, when we have a far more elegant solution available and working right now. Gene editing.

What has been done so far is only a tiny fraction of what humanity could do. Why spend 100's of hours of dangerous surgery to wire an interface into the brain when your could infect a retro-virus and the patient can grow their own interface "safely" over months.

Of course the ethics and laws of genetically modifying a human would have to change for such a thing, but I see that as a more immediate possibility than nano-tech.

In away the OP is right; your soul, or at least your concept of humanity is at risk due to VR. VR is just one step in a journey and the final destination is a seamless experience.
Shadowstalker16: People had virtual reality, ie artificial or fictional reality well before Oculus and Vive. It was in their heads. Its quite a popular hobby as well, to live in your own detached reality.
Well all reality is artificial in a way. Your brain parses and filters much of what it sees and hears, therefor what your see and hear is never an exact representation of reality.
Post edited August 13, 2016 by mechmouse
mechmouse: Well all reality is artificial in a way. Your brain parses and filters much of what it sees and hears, therefor what your see and hear is never an exact representation of reality.
Yes, but I meant what we voluntarily choose not to look at and exclude as a part of our world ourselves.