Telika: Uh. There are whole missions about them. Haven't stolen any prostitutes from rival pimps ? Haven driven them around while they were working a client on the backseat ?
Fr33k' is the tex avery of social drama.
fr33kSh0w2012: You want a photo of the patched up hole in the wall then? I ain't joking kid!
chandra: Well, definitely the Witcher series, Deus Ex, VtM - Bloodlines, Baldur's Gate II, the Fallout series, Metro - Last Light Redux, Shadowrun Returns, Morrowind and Oblivion...
fr33kSh0w2012: I don't remember Deus Ex 1 having hookers in it or Metro last light or even Morrowind and Oblivion?!?
Oh Yeah that might have been edited out to appease the grannies running our Classification board, Because they have an Aneurysm / fainting spells / hysteria at a Pixellated ass-crack
Morrowind has an erotic novel you can find and read. Unless I'm thinking of Daggerfall but I doubt it. Pretty sure I've seen prostitutes in it in my playthrough.
I believe you mean the old men with funny hats running the board. Grannies tell the grossest jokes and they're also the toughest pains in the butts ever. See: Betty White.