rtcvb32: It's not easily verifiable to me.
That is not a "we" problem, that is a "you" problem.
The increasing surface temperature trends are confirmed from multiple, independent sources (land, sea, satellite records and instruments, etc.).
You can use the IPCC report for instance, which is a global collaboration of scientists collecting evidence and proposing policy, or some other authors have collected the evidence and provided links to peer reviewed papers, like here:
https://skepticalscience.com/surface-temperature-measurements-intermediate.htm - Surface temperature analysis by NASA GISS finds strong agreement with two independent analyses by CRU's Global Temperature Record and NCDC.
- Weather balloon measurements have found from 1975 through 2005, the global mean, near-surface air temperature warmed by approximately 0.23°C/decade.
- Satellite measurements of lower atmosphere temperatures show temperature rises between 0.16°C and 0.24°C/decade since 1982.
- Ice core reconstructions found the 20th century to be the warmest of the past five centuries, confirming the results of earlier proxy reconstructions.
- Sea surface temperatures, borehole reconstructions and ocean temperatures all show long-term warming trends.
You plot these on the same graph, and they are all remarkably similar and confirm the fact that we've already warmed over 1C since the end of the 19th century, so in only 150 years or so, which is unprecedented in any record that we have managed to ascertain.
There really is no debate whether we are rapidly warming - there is not a single temperature record that argues against this. Or do you have one?
About the biases and corrections in the raw data:
"In 2009 some people worried that weather stations placed in poor locations could make the temperature record unreliable. Scientists at the National Climatic Data Center took those critics seriously and did a careful study of the possible problem. Their article "On the reliability of the U.S. surface temperature record" (Menne et al. 2010) had a surprising conclusion. The temperatures from stations that critics claimed were "poorly sited" actually showed slightly cooler maximum daily temperatures compared to the average.
In 2010 Dr. Richard Muller criticized the "hockey stick" graph and decided to do his own temperature analysis. He organized a group called Berkeley Earth to do an independent study of the temperature record. They specifically wanted to answer the question is "the temperature rise on land improperly affected by the four key biases (station quality, homogenization, urban heat island, and station selection)?" Their conclusion was NO. None of those factors bias the temperature record. "
You can access the replicate the analysis by Berkeley Earth online, it's all available and open to scrutiny.
https://skepticalscience.com/surface-temperature-measurements-basic.htm (peer reviewed sources within)
rtcvb32: Oh yes i agree using thermometers 100%. But data has been altered, i prefer
a source that has it unaltered.
So first of all, you can link as many youtube vids as you like, but unless you write out your arguments in text, you might as well link nothing. Youtube vids are fine and all for entertainment, but for any kind of argumentation they are absolutely awful. I would have to sit there and watch anti-science drivel first of all, write out their arguments for them down, and then debunk them. Really? Who the hell is going to do that? If you cannot even write out what the Youtube vid is about, I'm def not gonna bother arguing for you, against myself.
I can only imagine this is about correcting biases in the land temperature records for the urban island heat effect, which was already shown not to affect the warming trends (in fact, the bias-corrected data was cooler than the raw data in a lot of cases!).
"They found in most cases, urban warming was small and fell within uncertainty ranges. Surprisingly, 42% of city trends are cooler relative to their country surroundings as weather stations are often sited in cool islands (a park within the city)."
https://skepticalscience.com/surface-temperature-measurements-intermediate.htm rtcvb32: Also apparently the
founder of the Weather channel, (
a scientist) says there's no Global Warming/Climate Change, and CNN tries to shut him up rather than asking for more details.
If he is a renowned scientist in the field, you can quote me his peer reviewed paper where he debunks climate change and/or proposes a theory to explain the recent rapid warming? Else, it doesn't matter what he says, to be honest, especially since his claims are easily fact-checked.
rtcvb32: Regardless, if it's getting hotter and hotter, why did it get colder from 1940-1970 before going back up?
I already went through this in my previous post - aerosols, coinciding with scientists warning about global cooling. If you didn't bother to read, that's not on me.
So, are you at least past the first step - do you agree that the climate is rapidly warming? Or do you dispute a mountain of empirical evidence? We can at least then move on to the de-programming of your brainwashed mind further.