D3SOL4TE: Can I simply rename the
GAME.BIN and rename
Since the thread was necro'd already, maybe it's interesting to share this:
If you want to use these files in another DOSBox install, some times you can use the .conf file that has instructions to launch the game as an executable in DOSBox (rename it something short with the .bat extension, e.g.
launcher.bat). No need to modify any other files, and you don't need to move files around.
You can also keep the original conf file and just create a copy of it and rename as mentioned before (remember it needs to be in the same path as the original .conf file, or you need to fix all paths mentioned in the file).
The only problem is that some games don't boot if you do it, so you need to test which do and which don't. The ones I know that work with this method are The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny and Quake: The Offering.
Edit: Added some missing info.