DivinSword: you guys are crazy! You have to go to 'Games' where you keep all your games yeah,. Then go to Orders & Settings! (up top) there you can change your name, email, picture and what not. Props to the dude I ran into on another GOG post, sorry dont' remember your name. Its very un-non-conter-intuitive but thats how its done.
I don't believe they were mistaken or out of their right mind. As it currently stands, the only place to change your "forum title" ("New User" by default) is through the settings link at the top of the forum. It's also faster than your convoluted and counter-intuitive way to access the "Account and Locale" page using the link they already provided, or you can skip that first step of going to "Games" and simply navigate straight to "Orders and Settings". It's just for added convenience that numerous pages happen to link to the account settings page, both from the forums settings page and from the games page.