W.Bruce: When a game is announced as "Coming Soon", how far should I be looking to?
I am interested in Edge of Eternity, and would like to have an overall idea of what it means when GOG announces a game is Coming Soon, because that can be in one month or one year.
So for those of you that have been here long enough, what should I expect?
Thanks in advance.
The data are traceable on internet for whoever wants to analyze that statistically, which would would be most accurate. The data could even be segregated by budget for the game and other characteristics, in order to give you more relevant information.
Without the actual data, the best that can be done is giving you our impressions, subject to all kinds of bias, including the fact that each of us has been following a different set of games, probably.
My impression, biased as any, is that there is a Gauss bell. The publishers try to announce "coming soon" when no more than few months is all that it will take, like Zimerius said. However, in some other cases the waiting period has been longer. Most games will have arrived within a year of the announcement, but there will be exceptions now and then. It can be blamed on overenthusiastic publishers who find that ironing bugs and finishing the game took longer than expected, or any other occurrence, like small independent developers having something unexpected happening to them in their lives that affects their ability to finish the game, or preparing the game to be published in GOG.