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Arghmage: The problem with that is that they just exchange the old audience with new audience. It would be nice to have something that the old audience would like to see as well.
Well, they did that between TOS and TNG. In 20 years a new generation will complain that a new Star Trek is different (if we're lucky to have one).

Personally I didn't like the Battlestar Galactica reboot, but a lot of people did, so I see no problem with it. The more science fiction the better, IMO, regardless of its exact form or inspiration. Just like I felt that Into Darkness was a nice homage to Wrath of Kahn. Personally I disliked TNG until the 5th season or so, but that doesn't mean that I think it shouldn't have happened.

In general I prefer more choice, and don't get too hung up on differences. I have my personal preferences, but I don't hold any of my likes with religious fervor like some fans do.

As for Star Wars, I think that more movies mean a higher chance of something I enjoy, like more Marvel movies meant more movies to enjoy (instead of endless Spiderman reboots).
Post edited November 21, 2015 by ET3D
IwubCheeze: ... people are gong to get tired of it and that's gonna kill the franchise.
mobutu: and, to be honest, I can't wait for that to happen. I mean, how many iterations of the same crap people are willing to take? same avenger shit (lol captain america? hilarious!), numerous spidermans, star trek/wars shit etc ... the milking of the same shit over and over has to stop imo...
I think this rehashing is a point many miss, and also ties together with the second article which given many of the shrugging responses I don't think people actually read (unsurprisingly). It's obviously easy to be dismissive of one franchise you may or may not care about, but what happens when you show up to the theater and it's nothing but franchises? What happens when the theater looks like a car lot with this year's model in a new color?

If a film studio is sinking 200million into a franchise film, that's 4 mid size budget movies (or roughly 10 smaller budget movies) it's not making which are often the better and more creative films - and I don't mean that in just a dramatic Oscar worthy way. It's worth remembering even popular genre hits like Heat, The Sixth Sense, Twelve Monkeys, Gattaca, and the Matrix etc. were mid budget movies. It's rather telling that something like this year's Ex-Machina had to be such a low budget indie with the pedigree of people behind it. This is equally true of Black Swan from a few years ago. It also begs the question whether new directors can ever hope to enjoy the kind of mainstream popularity that someone like Tarantino occupies when studios are unwilling to back and promote anything but the perceived "low-risk" of franchise film-making.
Post edited December 02, 2015 by xSinghx
And eventually it will run out of steam and Star Wars will go the way of Alien vs Predator or Freddy vs Jason:

Star Trek vs Star Wars!!!


I'm about to be shot aren't I?
I'm officially sick of the fucking commercials. The actual trailers I don't mind, it's all the Taco Bell and AT&T crap. Pretty soon they are going to tie it in with feminine hygiene products!
tinyE: I'm officially sick of the fucking commercials. The actual trailers I don't mind, it's all the Taco Bell and AT&T crap. Pretty soon they are going to TIE it in with feminine hygiene products!
I always figured X-Wings would work better as tampons :D
tinyE: I'm officially sick of the fucking commercials. The actual trailers I don't mind, it's all the Taco Bell and AT&T crap. Pretty soon they are going to TIE it in with feminine hygiene products!
tremere110: I always figured X-Wings would work better as tampons :D
Well you know, and it says this right on the box if no one believes me, Tampons do have wings.
tremere110: Star Trek vs Star Wars!!!
That would be an anticlimactic movie. I mean, imagine the Death Star battle if the Rebels could just beam a photon torpedo to the reactor core.


-Thanks, Scotty. Now, let's get some Orion girls Leia's slave outfits and go to Risa.
Post edited December 01, 2015 by Breja
There is no fight, and there is no comparison because when you put Luke and Kirk up against each other, Kirk isn't fit to like the shit off of Luke's boots!

Kirk was a spoiled brat, handed everything on a silver platter. He had the genes, he had the money, went to the finest schools, received the best teaching, and was afforded the best equipment and hardware the Star Fleet could offer.

Luke Skywalker on the other hand! He had to earn it. He had to fight, He had to prove himself!

An orphan, raised in a goddamn desert by an ineffectual uncle who was determined to keep Luke from being anything other than a dirt poor farmer.

He didn't have the money, he didn't have the schools, he didn't even have the teaching unless you count a kookie old man hanging out in a fucking desert cave and his wrinkled green muppet master hiding out in a fucking swamp.

Want to talk about equipment!? No 1st class star cruisers here. You can practically smell the glue trying on those X-Wings, and the Falcon was one loose piece of duct tape away from disintegration.

Which reminds me! No brilliant Vulcan's to help, no Scottish engineering geniuses to keep him going, no, Luke gets stuck with a two bit smuggler and his walking carpet side kick.

And hey, Kirk's father was a famed Captain. I think we all know about Luke's dad, and don't even get me started on being coerced into kissing his own sister!
Post edited December 01, 2015 by tinyE
tinyE: There is no fight, and there is no comparison because when you put Luke and Kirk up against each other, Kirk isn't fit to like the shit off of Luke's boots!

Kirk was a spoiled brat, handed everything on a silver platter. He had the genes, he had the money, went to the finest schools, received the best teaching, and was afforded the best equipment and hardware the Star Fleet could offer.

Luke Skywalker on the other hand! He had to earn it. He had to fight, He had to prove himself!

An orphan, raised in a goddamn desert by an ineffectual uncle who was determined to keep Luke from being anything other than a dirt poor farmer.

He didn't have the money, he didn't have the schools, he didn't even have the teaching unless you count a kookie old man hanging out in a fucking desert cave and his wrinkled green muppet master hiding out in a fucking swamp.

Want to talk about equipment!? No 1st class star cruisers here. You can practically smell the glue trying on those X-Wings, and the Falcon was one loose piece of duct tape away from disintegration.

Which reminds me! No brilliant Vulcan's to help, no Scottish engineering geniuses to keep him going, no, Luke gets stuck with a two bit smuggler and his walking carpet side kick.

And hey, Kirk's father was a famed Captain. I think we all know about Luke's dad, and don't even get me started on being coerced into kissing his own sister!
wow someone got serious and factual
tinyE: Pretty soon they are going to tie it in with feminine hygiene products!
In the meantime, enjoy some toys for the bad boys.
Post edited December 01, 2015 by v3
tinyE: Luke Skywalker on the other hand! He had to earn it. He had to fight, He had to prove himself!
An orphan, raised in a goddamn desert by an ineffectual uncle
He didn't have the money, he didn't have the schools, he didn't even have the teaching
nah dude, he had the midiclorians which beat the shit out of anyone's pedigree :)
tinyE: I'm officially sick of the fucking commercials. The actual trailers I don't mind, it's all the Taco Bell and AT&T crap. Pretty soon they are going to tie it in with feminine hygiene products!
I was working at Wal-mart when The Phantom Menace came out in '99. The amount of promo material we were given was astronomical. Comical level of insanity. By the time it was over, we were throwing away entire trailers full of posters/feature backboards, and displays.

I actually got some of them out of the trash and took them home, hoping to make a fortune selling them on Ebay. Yeah, I've made a few mistakes. I'm not proud of it... either for being greedy, or stupid enough to think that low quality star wars store posters would make me any damn money at all.
To be honest, I'm only surprised these "good news" didn't come much earlier.
They won't be milking my wallet, that's for sure.
Now you can't even buy batteries or go eat at McDonalds without facing the constant SW crap.

Does that really work, are many people like "Oh Star Wars, I'm so excited, I want more promo material!". For me it has the opposite effect, I've started to dislike the whole Star Wars thing... How many times do I really want to hear that damn SW tune? It has become merely irritating.

I liked X-Wing and Tie Fighter games, not because they were Star Wars games, but despite it. Same goes to many Star Trek games.
timppu: Now you can't even buy batteries or go eat at McDonalds without facing the constant SW crap.

Does that really work, are many people like "Oh Star Wars, I'm so excited, I want more promo material!". For me it has the opposite effect, I've started to dislike the whole Star Wars thing... How many times do I really want to hear that damn SW tune? It has become merely irritating.

I liked X-Wing and Tie Fighter games, not because they were Star Wars games, but despite it. Same goes to many Star Trek games.
Just to add on to your post. I remember having a class discussion on the effects of over advertising when I was in high school and that was in the 90's so it's not like this is something new. Advertising can not only has the opposite effect but it's also a waste of company resources. Obviously someone at Disney didn't get the memo................