mechmouse: I tried that.
After 3 games you need to keep a spreedsheet for account names, I got 5 before realising how insanely stupid it is to force people to do this.
Reinstall (or the loss of validation SFS often suffers from) is a massive issue.
It takes about 3 minutes to log in, wait for PIN to be emailed, jump through all menu items to set up SFS and log out.
with 5 accounts that was over 15 minutes.
With 20 games you've just spent an hour setting it up
Its another work around... another way to excuse VAlve for doing the inexcusable.
Asbeau: I don't understand - why don't your kids just switch on the PC, start Steam, and play whatever they want on your account?
Because Valve will not allow different games to be played on different computers at the same time.
For the first 4 years they did, then they changed the code and the subscriber agreement to force you to only have one computer active at a time.
Just Using 1 account
Son starts played Red Alert 3
A few minutes later Daughter starts Civ5, Red Alert 3 will be terminated
Son gets annoyed and restarts Red Alert 3, Civ5 gets terminated, daughter goes ape shit, screaming shouting all kinds of nastiness. And that's only with 2 children, we have 5 and two adults that's also game.
The only option is to keep Steam in offline mode. which assumes the impatient child will always click "Keep offline", which they don't.
A few years back Valve introduced the ironically named Steam Family Sharing (SFS).
A person can lend their games to up to 5 borrowers, and this is how it works
If lender is playing, borrowers can not use the games. It doesn't matter if they want to play completely different games, they are blocked. I play Tomb Raider, daughter can not play Civ5.
If one borrower is playing, none of the other borrowers can play, again regardless if they are playing different games.
Daughter plays Civ5, son can't play Dawn of War.
If lender starts a game while borrower is playing, they get a 5 minute warning before the game gets terminated. So I start TombRaider, daughter will be down stairs in 5 minutes screaming she's just been booted out of her 5 hour long hosted Civ5 game.
Its worth noting, SFS is really good for getting free games from strangers living in different countries. While they play your games your at work or sleeping and vice a versa. In fact the official, valve created and moderated forum is full of people openly abusing the system. It near useless for people living under the same roof.
As I've said. Steam works great for a certain stereotype. Single players that does not share their life or games with anyone.
For a family that treats games like a shared resource (the same as books or DVD's) steam is unusable, which is why I actively boycott steam and fight so hard for releases on GoG.
Just noticed you said "The PC", we have more computers that people in the house.
its the 21st century, most household will have more than 1 computer. Except Valve acts like this is unheard of.