LeonardoCornejo: The thing is that the DRM free one goes with a moral challenge, for example in my case I made clear that no one else was allowed to use the account unless he or she contributed to the buying of games, and also I made clear that we shall not abuse of the DRM free stuff. But some persons would abuse of cuorse, not everyone is as lawful-neutral as us.
Fenixp: See, thing is that GOG actually allows installations per household, so you're not really breaking the TOS as far as I understand it - and even if you did, you're damaging noone as GOG charges enough to cover the costs regardless. HIB has made it clear that the behavior of duplicating licences is actually damaging to them, thus trying to do their best to prevent it now
Agree, most DRM supporters like Steam allow up to 3 instalations (as far as i know) in separate registered computers, upon such premise, installing games in 2 computer with as DRM free is morally right, provided the source company does not complain, i which case I would cease that out of respect.
DRM is not necesary, but some DRM systems are fair enough to be tolerated, that is why Steam is still liked and that is why I don't think a boycott is necesary, if you are anti DRM like me, not buying the games with DRM is just fine, anything else is exagerated. However there are some horrid DRM schemes like those that require persistent internet conection.
There is a different betwen using and abusing, but some persons do not realize that. It is like before the though DRM began, you could install the same game in an unknown number of computers by using the retail legitimat copy of the disk, you needed the disk to run the games but that meant that whenever one computer was not using the disk, any of the other computers could use it. Two persosn could easily use it like that and nodody was realy harmed at all.
Still there is a moral question but it has no longer anything to do with the DRM.