I've been using Steam for a little over five years, and I like it well enough. GOG is a much more recent discovery for me, and I like it even better, but Steam is pretty benevolent for the giant it is. The service is well-run, by and large, and it's properly handled for the most part. I truly don't care about DRM when it's seamless and doesn't obstruct my play, and Steam is just a minor hop between me and playing.
The sales are great - oh come on, they are - and the support is reasonable enough, or has been on the very few times I've had to file a ticket. They aren't as friendly as they are here, but it's a different operation, in a different place along the food chain. I don't mind the toys and trinkets (I kind of like the trading cards idea, though it's definitely an early iteration of an interesting notion), and sure, Steam would clearly like to take over the world. But they don't insist on it, for the most part.
When I have to deal with EA for tech reasons, I want to hunt them down and shout at them (though when I get irritated enough and vent, they often give me a free game, so no real complaints). Every time I deal with Steam, it's just a bit of business done.
I'm curious about the Steam Machine and their new controller. Not my thing, mostly, but if they make it work it could be plenty of fun. Not boycotting here.