thealienamongus: The only thing I
really dislike about Steam is regional blocking and pricing. If a game if blocked (e.g. Risen, Drankensang) or unfairly priced I will buy it elsewhere. I have never had a problem with steam in general or using offline mode specifically.
What I've never really understood is the way certain people slam consoles for having regional locks, praise Steam for supposedly rescuing PC gaming, and then conveniently forget that it was Steam that introduced regional locks to PC gaming in the first place.
I've just imported two games from the US, no DRM, proper US versions. And because they are not bound to Steam or Origin, I can be 100% sure that the game isn't region locked. That certainty is gone nowadays.
JMich: By the quotes on your post, you say that the Pirate Party wants a reform of Copyright Laws. There was no mention of their stance on Piracy there.
To be fair, the Piratenpartei in Germany has gone well beyond the issue of copyright, such that it hardly gets mentioned anymore. Their focus has gradually shifted towards civil rights and government transparency over time, and these are the two that have attracted much attention from much of the wider public.