Pheace: Adding Steamworks comes at no cost to the developer as far as I'm aware, so I'm not sure the developer/publisher incurs any extra cost selling it's Steamworks game through other portals except what those other portals ask for selling it. I'm not sure it cuts into their margin in that sense. (but I could be wrong, but not aware of the contrary at the moment).
Really? That's odd. So Valve puts the bandwidth and the money goes somewhere else? But you said developer/publisher, but not DD. I guess GG or DotEmu, etc. do have to pay Valve something for the licenses. In any case, this can only mean that Valve benefits enough of attracting users to their platform, that they don't care for the unpaid bandwidth. I'd say the network effect is one of the most profitable discoveries of recent years.
And Steam may not be closed, but one thing is true, at this point, most studios/publishers just cannot allow themselves not to sell through Steam (maybe EA), which gives them a frightening amount of power over PC gaming.
Stevedog13: I won't buy any game with online activation of any sort. Anytime a game comes out that I want to buy, if it has mandatory online activation I send an email to the developer and publisher asking if/when the DRM will be dropped. Most ignore me but I do get responses sometimes.
That makes us two. Two is a big number, isn't it?