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I currently have 43, though only a handful of them are actually being played during the week. Usually, I uninstall them after I am finished and have no intention of replaying.
Post edited July 26, 2022 by SpaceMadness
Hm. About 30 on 3 different computers. Some of them have been sitting there for years. And most of them are excessively long RPGs, which i technically really like, but never find the time or patience to actually start.

I only ever play 1 or 2 games at once (til finished), if at all, so its mostly a waste of space... and a faint hope to one day reduce my backlog.
For a while there I had around a hundred installed, but with the size of games increasing I've had to get rid of two for every one I need to make room for, so it's probably down to like 70 now.
I usually have only two gog games installed, the game I'm currently playing and if it's too long, another game to play in short runs.

But then I have other games on different computers and devices, so about 15-20 in total, including Riven, Blade Runner and Loop Hero. Starcraft, Gothic and Monkey Island games never fail.
I have 61 games installed, most of them abandonware dosbox'd and boxer'd from various sources for mac, yet sadly performance is an issue and honestly, a lot of them haven't aged well.

About 12 or so work reasonably well and play from time to time, the others i keep solely for nostalgia's sake. Though i'll likely get rid of them eventually because they're mostly dead space.

Master of Orion 2 - which i play a lot these days.
DiabloRL - which i found recently and it seems to work.
Eschalon Book I - gog
Fallout 1 and 2 - gog
Pioneers - itch
Java Fabled Lands - cyoa in an older java
Albion - some old cd
dwarf fortress - on the smallest settings, at least for a while
adom - kinda slow, but fun
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - works better than adom
Master of Magic - but man do the graphics suck!
X-COM - ground missions load slower, but it's good enough for a nostalgia trip once in a while
Post edited July 28, 2022 by honglath
I thought about this thread again when checking what to play and decided to purge some games from being installed.

I am playing:

GTAV - This takes most of my gaming time
Pillars of Eternity 1 - playing it bitt by bit. On act 3.
Dying Light 2 - Playing as MP with a friend. very rarely these days. don't fully click

and another 10 games which I have for one or another reason still on my ssd. mostly cause if i delete them now i know i will not continue playing them ever again so feels like wasted progress so far.

total 13
Around 150 games.

Thing is, I don't like uninstalling games that I haven't finished. I never "abandon" a game, I get "temporarily distracted" by another and still plan to resume it "next" or "very soon". Uninstalling it would make it less likely, it wouldn't be available for impulse launching. I uninstall games that I either have completed or really decided that it doesn't deserve my interest (very very rare) or that I won't be in the mood for it for a very long time.

In a way, uninstalling a non-completed game feels like a bit of a failure. Like, why have I bought it, then, if it doesn't hold my attention to the end ?

It might also be why I have a lot of books with bookmarks on my desk, unlikely to be finished ton but also unlikely to return on the shelves till then..
Telika: Around 150 games.

Thing is, I don't like uninstalling games that I haven't finished. I never "abandon" a game, I get "temporarily distracted" by another and still plan to resume it "next" or "very soon". Uninstalling it would make it less likely, it wouldn't be available for impulse launching. I uninstall games that I either have completed or really decided that it doesn't deserve my interest (very very rare) or that I won't be in the mood for it for a very long time.

In a way, uninstalling a non-completed game feels like a bit of a failure. Like, why have I bought it, then, if it doesn't hold my attention to the end ?

It might also be why I have a lot of books with bookmarks on my desk, unlikely to be finished ton but also unlikely to return on the shelves till then..
what is the oldest game you want to come back to but havent done so? as in, when was the last time you played it.
158 games in a 4TB HDD, about 2TB is used right now, got a spare 4TB as backup as well, planning to get an SSD 4TB or larger but waiting for the prices to drop to reasonable levels.

I never uninstall games I love and want to replay in the future, couple of reasons for that, first of all, I got the space no point in uninstalling, if I have so much free space. why not use it? second is mods/fixes some games I have spend hours fixing&modding to my liking why would I uninstall it so I can spend time again fixing it in the future? No need to download games again especially if they are large in size, saves some time, and finally variety in choice, I can jump and play any game I am in the mood for whenever I want with just a click of a button, no need to "plan" what I want to play/download/fix it etc etc just a huge library in my disposal waiting for me to pick and choose

I don't use galaxy or any launchers to "categorize" them though, just normal shortcuts which I add to a folder in my desktop.

Most of them are GOG (110), some are DVD with a NoCD "fix" and portable, which are not available on GOG/Steam and only very few Steam games which I try to avoid as much as possible these days as I prefer DRM-Free.
Post edited July 30, 2022 by SCAgent
Telika: Around 150 games.

Thing is, I don't like uninstalling games that I haven't finished. I never "abandon" a game, I get "temporarily distracted" by another and still plan to resume it "next" or "very soon". Uninstalling it would make it less likely, it wouldn't be available for impulse launching. I uninstall games that I either have completed or really decided that it doesn't deserve my interest (very very rare) or that I won't be in the mood for it for a very long time.

In a way, uninstalling a non-completed game feels like a bit of a failure. Like, why have I bought it, then, if it doesn't hold my attention to the end ?

It might also be why I have a lot of books with bookmarks on my desk, unlikely to be finished ton but also unlikely to return on the shelves till then..
lukaszthegreat: what is the oldest game you want to come back to but havent done so? as in, when was the last time you played it.
It's hard to tell, through the changes of computers (I don't reinstall all the games that I haven't uninstalled) and the lack of readable dates (I don't track usage with clients). As a kid, I started Ultima IV. Haven't touched it for decades, but I'd be happy to finish it some day (though I doubt I'd have the patience for all these random encounter fights anymore). I'm stuck in some classics due to unsolvable dilemmas (Mass Effect, Arcanum, Star Trek Elite Force) or annoying one-way exits (like Wasteland 2 or Planescape 2 warning me that I'm about to leave an area and not be able to come back and explore it further). There's a few RPG epics like Oblivion that I've left hanging, and some that I completely merged in my memories (can't tell the difference between Dragon Age and NWN2 anymore, left them in 2010), but I don't want to give up on them...

I've started Baldur's Gate upon release. I haven't finished it. I've re-started it and re-abandonned it around 2015 as I lost the laptop I was playing it on, I've retrieved this laptop in 2020 and... well, I guess I can finish that game now... one of these days...?

On my current desktop, I think Far Cry 2 is the one gathering most dust (2012, according to save files). And it feels recent to me. If I restarted my old computer, I'd find uninstalled games that predate it by a large margin.
On the one hand: too many.
On the other hand: not enough.
According to galaxy: 1192
lukaszthegreat: what is the oldest game you want to come back to but havent done so? as in, when was the last time you played it.
Interesting question, would deserve its own topic. But while I'm here, let's see which of those is a little older than the rest... Gothic 2 Gold, last save on March 2, 2012. Closely followed by Morrowind, April 7, 2012.
Telika: [...] Planescape 2 [...]
Wow, I can't believe I never heard about that one! It must be in a REALLY long closed beta. :P
lukaszthegreat: what is the oldest game you want to come back to but havent done so? as in, when was the last time you played it.
Waking Mars, haven't touch it since July 1 2014