bykowsky: Polish nationalist aren't racist or facist. They are right-winged (well... they call it "third way"), catholic-democrats like Dmowski. People need to understand that nationalists don't want to destroy other countries (they even meet each other on festivals and other meetings) or kill innocent people like Hitler did. Unfortunelty there is alot of dumb skinheads (skullheads?) who destroy the good name of the movement.
Indeed. PiS is actually more ultra-conservative than Nationalist - it's more condoning than encouraging of racial (and gender) discrimination, which is what you tend to expect of the hard right. When you combine racist or supremacist overtones in policy with that kind of conservatism, you get extreme-right National Conservatism, which is where Orbàn fits in.
bykowsky: Only nationalist movment I know that thinks that their own country/race/something is superior were nazist. And, well, Narodowe Sily Zbrojne were against them.
If you listen to the rhetoric of many of the extreme-right parties (UKIP, Front National in particular, less so from the German far-right), you'll hear regular insults directed against not only Muslims, but also Jews, Roma and other European countries.
Ironically, as an exception, much of the anti-semitism in Germany is actually coming from the extreme left, although I suspect that the far-right simply avoids the topic to avoid criminal prosecution, not because they're not anti-semitic. In private, many of the far-right actually use the term "Juden" as a synonym for frugal (not in a nice way either) and call something "richtig jüdisch" to mean that it's really stupid. Trust me - I know this from coming from a village where NPD/Pegida/AfD support is pretty high.
The far left can get away with it legally, but the far right engaging in anti-semitism would just prove what they really are and push the legal boundaries a step too far.