Posted October 29, 2015
low rated
And if you look closely at a family unit. You see that there is socialism taking place inside a family unit. And there is a reason why... Because socialism works and benefits everyone. If the provider of the family, the father and husband, lets his wife and kids starve to death, because "I got mine, fuck you", how long before this family ceases to be a family? Then, there was basically no point for the father and husband to start a family. And he helped bring children into the world and cursed them to live a horrible shitty life full of suffering. Not a very nice thing to do to innocent human beings that only exist because of your actions... And of course, nobody is responsible for people who are not their children but that doesn't justify a "greed is good and fuck everyone else" mentality.
It is kind of funny that people who are conservatives today, love capitalism and hate socialism but have no problem with socialism when it comes to their families. This just shows, "conservatives" have been brainwashed to hate socialism because that is what the people in power want. OR they are one of the few people who benefit from the current way of things so they want it continue. OR they just despise everyone who is not family. The people in power want this, so they don't have to spend most of the tax dollars on people but instead spend it on shit that benefits them. :) Because the people in power, see those who have less power as garbage and a threat. They want us to constantly fight for our lives so we are too busy doing that instead of focusing on how bad we are getting fucked over.
But things are so bad today, in most countries, all it takes is an hour of clear and intelligent thinking to realize, you are getting fucked over by those who really have it good.
Capitalism is the way of the universe and responsible for almost all technology.
Sharing in small groups is hardly socialism, but those who agree with that definition, who are against socialism, admit that it is fine for small groups, but not as a system of government.
Socialism retards the growth of technology, by requiring an inventive mind to do work, a number of times extra, equal to the entire population, just for extra working materials. It rewards laziness by giving an equal share to those that do nothing.
The negative effects of socialism are directly related to ones ability to affect the average of goods, which decreases with an increase in population.
Almost every complaint about capitalism is something caused by government, and not capitalism. The "big evil corporation" is usually caused by regulating the competition out of existence. Capitalism does not cause banks to give out stupid loans, just as you do not naturally loan money to strangers in the dark as a way to make money, lol.
Marxism is probably responsible for the majority of all murders in the 20th century. Word.
"About 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every four seconds, as you can see on this display. Sadly, it is children who die most often." from
And people who are "lazy" are just people who have health problems or mental problems or can't get a job. So better these innocent people are "rewarded" with basic necessities than die or live a miserable existence. The word "lazy" should be removed from the English dictionary because the truth is, there is no such thing as a "lazy" person. It is a word, people like you invented to help them win arguments and demonize people.
Post edited October 29, 2015 by monkeydelarge