wpegg: I'm a POWER USER! I always SHIFT+DELETE.
This has resulted in me deleting 100's of GB of data I didn't mean to. A similar downloads deletion experience to the OP being one of them.
I still do it though. Can't help myself. It's the curse of a power user.
vsr: Set read-only attribute to folder.
Also in GNU/Linux it is possible to apply an immutable attribute, which will make it impossible to edit, move, rename or delete files. I don't know if there is an equivalent for this in Windows.
Excellent advice. Unix is far superior to Windows for multitasking and file management. :)
Windows has only the Read-only attribute to protect files.
Curiously, I experience a write-lock error — almost every time — whenever, later, I try to rename a folder created through the browser for a game download. There is no possible reason for this lock, and eventually (usually) I can rename or whatever I want to do with the file. When I cannot, I create a new folder and copy the contents from the old and then try to delete the old (which only failed once, and even failed at the command line, but then didn't.) Windoze. >_<
Themken: I deleted a manuscript once, not that long ago... :-(
DubConqueror: Ouch, that's much more painful than losing a reply that I typed in but didn't get posted due to one of the many forum bugs of GOG (it got wrong when opening another thread before posting the reply I was typing).
I now regularly copy all the contents of a reply into a (plain) word processor (e.g., Notepad is fine for this, since it can be copied out again after a failure without clobbering the formatting). Too many replies lost to the aether …
tinyE: There is no way I could accidentally erase my HD because to do that I'd need to get into the casing, and in order to get to the screws holding the casing on I'd need to move that giant electromagnet I have sitting there.
paladin181: Please. Don't keep magnets near your hard disk. It makes it
harder to erase.
That's actually a good way to remove carbon scoring. ;-)
edit: GoG merge & emoji edit