tinyE: How is he being an ass? There are several different ways to download and install in here depending on what you are using.
HunchBluntley: I think he meant the "Galaxy is crap!" part, which I agree was unnecessary (and is even more irritating for those of us who see nightcraw1er post the same thing
every. single. time. he sees somebody mentioning Galaxy, or downloading/installing their games, or the weather, or...).
On the other hand, the OP certainly could've mentioned whether or not he is a Galaxy user, as that makes a big difference in the answer.
Its hardly every single time I see a post about galaxy, otherwise I would be posting in every other post which appears on here, "why is galaxy broken <insert whatever>" every two posts.
As.for the first line of the post, that is this crap phone I am typing the message on - yes its a crap phone, no I am not posting everytime I see a post on phones about it - which is why it doesn't make much sense.
HunchBluntley: They haven't announced any pre-load for
Blood & Wine on GOG (nor did they for
Hearts of Stone, as far as I remember). You'll have to wait for the release.
I imagine it will auto-install when it releases tomorrow, though, as long as you have Galaxy running and auto-update enabled.
Chronotrigga1005: how do i seee the count down time then ? . i seen a guy that had one
the dlc as been out all day on xbox one i dont know why they just dont realese it .
The main page of that dlc states 31may release date, things come out on different days on different os's I suppose.