agentstrawberry: i cant connect steam cause it keeps saying "Offline. Retry?" and it never works. i cant add steam games manually cause they dont launch cause i dont know how to link them to an executable. i linked geometry dash to the steam executable but it doesnt launch. i cant even launch the game from file explorer. how do i solve this issue
Yeah, I haven't been able to connect to Steam, Origin, Uplay etc. for a while now, just GOG and Epic. Totally screws up the entire point why I even use Galaxy. Not terribly happy about it. A while back someone suggested a 3rd party open source gaming client named "Playnite" that is cross platform and spoke very well of it, so I decided to install it a few days ago and give it a whirl. It connected to every single gaming account I own no problem the first time right from the startup wizard it fires up the first time I launched it. I gotta say I'm blown away by how cool Playnite is and think I'm going to just use it from now on instead of Galaxy as Playnite appears to actually be supported and get real updates from its developers regularly enough. Plus it is open source so if something breaks I can debug it myself if I feel like it and contribute back bugfixes etc.
I was quite happy about Galaxy when it came out and especially the 2.0 update and how GOG was innovating with their client, but not long after that it's like they fired the entire Galaxy development team or something and we never get any major new features or enhancements any more and it is super low to no priority for them anymore, and all of the community plugins seem also unsupported now. Apparently you can jump through some hoops to work around that but I already worked around it by switching to Playnite and am quite happy with it so far, and it also supports my collection which is nice also.
Maybe the money CDP makes from Phantom Liberty they can hire another 10 developers to work at GOG on Galaxy or something, and start innovating in this space again instead of dragging their feet like they have for the last 3 years or more.