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zeogold: Not everybody is interested in the latest and greatest.
tfishell: I don't have any real need to play the latest and greatest games.
latest, yes. greatest? not necessarily, very very few of the latest games are great also. majority are expensive crap
low rated
KingofGnG: Because there are people like me, who consider digital delivery-only stuff the bane of PC gaming. For me, Steam is the worst thing that could have ever happened to video games - and I was one of those angry folks who were forced to install that fucking Internet-only crapware to play to Half-Life 2 in 2004...

Steam is a stinking pile of digital shit, and any game that doesn't use it is worth my consideration these days.
Talking on GOG forum, which is digital only as well.

Don't show your retardation in front of everyone.
personal preference mostly. i don't care that much about playing the latest and greatest (though fallout 4 and doom 4 admittedly look like fun), my backlog on gog is massive, and i prefer the ability to back my games up.
Scant reasons to use it, gog and other stores offer enough that i have no need to.
Yes, there are a couple of games i'd like to play not all are steam tho, uplay for a couple.
Not missing out, simply find a alternative to them, doing just fine without it, and will continue too.
DarrkPhoenix: To everyone else who posts in this thread, how large is your GOG (or just non-Steam) backlog? That's your answer.
Steam: 8 Games
GoG: 150 Games
Antoni_Fox: Why do so many GOG users often comment in forum posts that they avoid using Steam?
For me it an experience from the past - old DRM is sometimes another reason to pass when trying to install old game. No DRM = one less problem.

Buying the game is also a vote for the seller / publisher / author. If they do not want my money then it's their fault.

In the '80. I was playing a lot, so I was looking more often for new games. Now, one game sometime takes me a few months to finish, so I don't need to look for new games - now the games are politely waiting for me.
high rated
The thread title you chose makes it sound like having access to the latest Steam-exclusive releases is at least as vital as oxygen for one's well being.

A game being a Steam-exclusive doesn't automatically make it top quality, or of interest to all and everyone, and some of us value DRM-free and/or not supporting a monopoly more than not missing out on all the latest releases.
As with many others on this thread, I have very few games on Steam compared to hundreds on GoG. Also, I'm not fussed with my games being the newest and am just as happy with River Raid on the 2600 after all these years as anything else.

Steam just doesn't seem worth all the hassle associated with it.
Post edited June 27, 2016 by drewpants
Antoni_Fox: This is just something that has my curiosity, and i'm only asking for opinions and thoughts here, not trying to start a GOG vs. Steam war! ;)

Why do so many GOG users often comment in forum posts that they avoid using Steam?
I mean, 99.9% of PC games are released exclusively on the Steam platform these days, and even if they do get DRM-free releases on GOG, Humble Bundle and other places later, the vast majority of new or recent PC games will never provide us gamers with that option.
So, by refusing to have a Steam account, aren't some PC gamers robbing themselves of the opportunity to play a lot of new games?

I'm sure everyone has a valid reason for not using Steam, but i'm just interested to know what those reasons are in more detail.
Don't mistake forum users for the majority of all GoG users. Law of averages assumes at least 50% of everyone who buys from GoG also buys from Steam. Yes those who choose not to use Steam (or any other platform) rob themselves of playing certain games. Right now I'm currently playing 3 games that would not be possible to play if I only bought from GoG (Euro Truck Simulator 2, Rocket League and Hearthstone). Some have no problem with that, especially if they have a big backlog here. Everyone gets enjoyment out of their hobby differently. I choose not to limit mine. To each their own.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reply in this thread, it's been really interesting and informative to read your replies.
Post edited June 29, 2016 by Antoni_Fox
fronzelneekburm: Bioshock is average at best.
Blasphemy! that one getting a DRM-Free release at Bundle gives hope for us all for a Gog debut Soon™.
fronzelneekburm: HL2 is okayish but massively overrated.
Maybe, but I assume that wasn't a DRM-Free version you've played, so how did you get to play it?

Regarding what most said: I have a backlog of about 50 games on Gog... but that's because I don't buy that often.
On steam I have about 50 more titles... That I didn't put more then 10 hours in them altogether and doubt I ever will.
That's maybe because most of my Steam library is bundle fodder, while virtually everything I have on Gog I ACTUALLY want.
So in general, I can do just fine without investing top dollars on Steam AAA, and rather wait until they are old enough to get < 5$ mark, or come to Gog. That is, for the games I want enough to consider buying on steam, which isn't that much, as Massively Multiplayer never was my thing (At least not post WoW WotLK).
This even without taking into account Steam Drm,
Which was what made me feel that way towards Steam from the beginning, but is now rather a second* reason not to purchase.

Anyways, There's another reason NOT to consider Steam - System restraints.
While Many Gog titles can virtually run on a casio calculator and many users here use XP (or Linux) as a main system,
Steam is likely to drop support of XP altogether, and newer titles not only require monster specs, but also won't run on less then latest operating systems, some even locked to Win 10 only due to Direct X12.

* The first being over-priced garbage & DLC and continuous support of Micro-Transaction that reminds me the worse of likes of Facebook.
fronzelneekburm: HL2 is okayish but massively overrated.
BlackThorny: Maybe, but I assume that wasn't a DRM-Free version you've played, so how did you get to play it?
On the advice of counsel, I decline to answer.
Antoni_Fox: Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reply in this thread, it's been really interesting and informative to read your replies.

Regals: Back long long ago before you were born... in the 1990s
People would buy games at places called Electronic stores.
Antoni_Fox: Actually, i was born in 1968. But i am flattered that you think i am so youthful ;)
Thanks for posting your year of birth, now I feel young again, maybe even younger! :-)
Antoni_Fox: Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reply in this thread, it's been really interesting and informative to read your replies.

Regals: Back long long ago before you were born... in the 1990s
People would buy games at places called Electronic stores.
Antoni_Fox: Actually, i was born in 1968. But i am flattered that you think i am so youthful ;)
Aha! Must be a marketing executive from Steam doing research on the competition's customers...
More like most publishers and developers are robbing us the ability to play their games for relying on Steam.

In any case, simple. Most of us don't want to agree to a license agreement that basically limits your gaming and controls it to be in Valve's and the publishers'/developers' favor. Most of us don't want to spend a lot of money on a title that is basically DRM-encumbered, on a service that doesn't help us distinguish what games are basically NOT DRM-encumbered (although they are still subject to the license agreement anyways). DRM could force us to pay in the long run. I know, I've steamrolled a fairly sizable Steam library of 150+ games plus before I was shut out of the internet for five months without the DRM'd games working.

Not to mention that according to some really recent findings of mine, the games can no longer be kept on an outdated version and played. They MUST be updated, or else no game for you. And I never take 'offline mode' as a copout or excuse, that kills most of the 'pros' Steam provides of social gaming non-sense and leaves you with the DRM component apparent.

Now for us, we aren't missing anything, really. My GOG library as well as my Humble Bundle library should keep me satisfied for a while. Do I need the latest Call of Duty? Not really.

EDIT: Not to mention the shady acts mentioned above by a certain user. Also, here's the thread for my findings:

The question should not be "How can PC gamers NOT use Steam in 2016?". The question should be "How come Steam is STILL BEING USED by PC gamers in 2016?"
Post edited June 27, 2016 by PookaMustard