Posted June 16, 2015

Judging by the fact that our threads are nearly identical, I would assume your reason for creating this one is the same as mine: You're deeply conflicted over the direction the site is taking. On the one hand, they have been releasing awesome stuff on a much more regular basis. Their business is growing,getting bigger and better. But with that success came changes. Pretty much any trace of gog being the cool underdog is gone. They do things the Steam way now (and personally, I'd say the reason why Witcher 3 made Galaxy big is the same reason HL2 made Steam big: If you bought a retail or OEM copy, you need the bloody thing to pay the game. Nothing to get terribly excited about, quite the contrary)
On top of that, I've recently been privy to that crushing feeling of emailing some dev whose work you admire to ask them about any plans for a gog release, only to be told that they got rejected. In a moment like this, you get that feeling that the very website you want to help is also its own worst enemy.
Bottom line is that I'm not much of a fan any more. A year ago, I'd buy tons of shit during the summer sale if it was cheap enough, partly because I wanted to support this site. This summer sale I bought nothing.
The only things this site has going for it at this point compared to other digital distributors/gaming sites is most games being DRM-free and the largely unmoderated though surprisingly civil forums. But the days I saw this site as the saviour of PC gaming are pretty much over.
Post edited June 16, 2015 by fronzelneekburm