The Darkness II
Arx Fatalis (not horror themed, but some areas are pretty creepy with eerie atmosphere, think crypts, spider caves and some organic-like tunnels)
maybe even DOOM, kinda?
I haven't played Prey (2017) yet and not a lot of Dying Light, but they might qualify as well?
I would also say VTM: Bloodlines in parts, although it's questionable whether the gameplay can be regarded as good. But it's still a lot of fun.
Of course, all of the above are also action games where you can fight back against (or be) the horror, but I've found that those where you can't are usually more annoying than truly scary and gameplay isn't that enjoyable.
Oh, except for Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero, if those count. I guess they only have occasional horror elements, and not in a traditional way, but they can get pretty frightening. Yeah, maybe those two would be my top pick then?
You can probably tell that I'm not much of a fan of traditional horror games. ;)
Maybe The Count Lucanor and The Binding of Isaac?
If you consider adventures games to have good gameplay, I also liked Fran Bow, Little Misfortune, The Excavation of Hob's Barrow, Dark Fall: The Journal.
Post edited November 01, 2022 by Leroux