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skeletonbow: Almost certainly just a wet dream idea though. Barker has pursued turning Weaveworld into a movie and into a TV series in the past and it all went basically nowhere. Pretty shitty as it truly deserves to be shown in the big theatres IMHO. Hopefully someday he manages to do it, or someone to come at a later date decides to do it and to do it full blown epic Peter Jackson style.
The sad part is, even if they made those movies, you'd probably be disappointed, especially if you have high expectations. Projects like these are expensive, which means they have to be designed for a wider audience, and that usually leads to all sorts of crappy decisions regarding content and style. It's just not profitable to create an epic full-length movie for a small niché audience of hardcore fans.

I guess with video games there's still some more options to keep things simple ( and cheaper ) and target a smaller audience.
CharlesGrey: Nice, I might pick them up if I like the main game. Are they big downloads? And how long are the add-ons?
omega64: Don't really remember, about 2-3 hours or so each?
Get them in a sale. ;P
Do you remember how long the main game took you to finish?

I've been playing Evil Within and Dead Space 2. DS2 is solid, but so far it feels a bit like "more of the same", since I've already played the first one. As for Evil Within, to me it feels like a blend or "best of" of various popular Horror games, with the Resident Evil 4 gameplay at its core. So far there is little truly original content, but it's a pretty fun ride overall.

Some important information, for anyone interested in retail versions of Dead Space 2 or Evil Within:

Dead Space 2 doesn't require Steam, but has its own one-time online activation. After that you can play it offline whenever you want, however the activation process is broken. There is a simple work-around, but it's kind of obscure and took me about an hour of research to figure out, so let me save you some time: Simply set your PC system clock to a date in 2011 ( October 1st 2011, in my case ). The activation should now work, and you can change your system clock date again afterwards.

As for Evil Within, it requires Steam, but the data installs from the game discs. Just make sure to stay online during the whole installation process, or else Steam might fuck things up. Also, after copying the game data from the discs, Steam downloads another 10GB of data, so keep that in mind if you have a slow or limited connection. Once the installation is complete, the game seems to work fine in Steam's offline mode.
CharlesGrey: The sad part is, even if they made those movies, you'd probably be disappointed, especially if you have high expectations. Projects like these are expensive, which means they have to be designed for a wider audience, and that usually leads to all sorts of crappy decisions regarding content and style. It's just not profitable to create an epic full-length movie for a small niché audience of hardcore fans.

I guess with video games there's still some more options to keep things simple ( and cheaper ) and target a smaller audience.
That's all true of course, and the movification of novels often comes with various compromises naturally. Sometimes they work well, other times not so much, and more often than not it is in the eye of the beholder. I'd be happy to hear of anything at all happening for real for either of those two books though just on even the off chance they might turn out to be great, even at the risk that they might turn out to suck. :)

There was also rumours that The Thief of Always was being turned into a movie, but that seems to have equally turned into thin air rumours as well. The best I could find on that was this IMDB entry which is for a 3 minute short that looks like some kind of college project or something:

Must... have... more... Clive Barker...

If only it were the 1980s all over again things would be so different... :)
Polly77: If I've got it right, what you appear to prefer are horror with a blend of action, rather than adventure or mystery based horror games.

Have you though of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines? There are some seriously creepy moments in a haunted house and also plenty of jump scares in the sewers. Naturally these work best on a first time play-through, but they remain excellent even in re-plays. Plus the game is currently in the sale :)

One example of creepy and psychological based horror which I found interesting was Anna - Extended version. It is a first person mystery game, so might not be your cup of tea.
I like most genres, but I guess currently I'm in the mood for Horror games with a bit more action, yes.

Never played the Vampire games before, but I did pick it up during the sale. Might give it a try, once I've finished the other games I'm playing. Is the setting based on White Wolf's "World of Darkness"?

I think I haven't heard of the other game. Is it only available on Steam?
omega64: Don't really remember, about 2-3 hours or so each?
Get them in a sale. ;P
CharlesGrey: Do you remember how long the main game took you to finish?

I've been playing Evil Within and Dead Space 2. DS2 is solid, but so far it feels a bit like "more of the same", since I've already played the first one. As for Evil Within, to me it feels like a blend or "best of" of various popular Horror games, with the Resident Evil 4 gameplay at its core. So far there is little truly original content, but it's a pretty fun ride overall.
28 hours for 1 playthrough of the game the dlc's and a small bit of new game plus.
So I'd say around 15-20 hours.
Mind I explored everything. :P
CharlesGrey: I think I haven't heard of the other game. Is it only available on Steam?
Warning the Steam version uses the Kalypso Launcher apparently.
Don't know if it's sold anywhere else.
Post edited October 06, 2016 by omega64
CharlesGrey: Is it currently available on any DD stores? I thought it used to be on GOG, but I can't find it here or on Humble. Could probably find a cheap retail copy, but does it work on modern computers?
Unfortunately no, as far as I know, you can't buy it anywhere digitally, it's in somekind of legal limbo. I hope it gets sorted soon, it's a damn shame, game deserves to be played!

You can find a list of solutions for putting the retail version working here: If you use Twitter, and need any adicional help, try contacting Agustín Cordes, he is a Cool guy and mught give you any adicional tips.