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Ricky_Bobby: *snip*
I went ahead and ordered a physical copy of Evil Within and Dead Space 2. Apparently the latter doesn't even require Steam, only a one-time online activation. And for what it's worth they were pretty cheap, so I figured I'd give them a shot, despite the DRM.

I was thinking of Condemned, too. Was that one ever available on PC?

I'm still considering Stasis, but will probably pick it up some other time. And as for The Long Dark, I've already purchased a copy of the in-dev game Kona, which seems to have a similar setting and gameplay elements.
CharlesGrey: ...
I was thinking of Condemned, too. Was that one ever available on PC?
Yes, the first game, Condemned: Criminal Origins, is actually still available on Steam. There was also a DVD release of the game, which was before Steam became really popular, so it might be DRM-free, but I don't remember what protection SEGA was actually using back then.

Condemned 2 is limited to console, but that's fine, I think the first game was better anyway.

The PC version had some occasionally quirky physics effects, where if you kicked an enemy they flew away like a rocket. I don't know if this has been patched, but wouldn't think so, it was a rough port to begin with ... but still very much playable. Reading the Steam reviews it's a case of either putting up with a rough port for the sake of a unique experience, or .... not.
doccarnby: *snip*
CharlesGrey: I had the old Xbox 360 version of AitD. ( Due to the low review ratings I was actually able to pick up the collector's edition really cheap, with a bunch of extra goodies. ) Aside from being a little rough around the edges, I don't remember any major problems, but I don't know how bad the PC port turned out.
Yeah, the PC controls in general were pretty bad, but it sounds like you got lucky, I've seen a lot of people having issues with the 360 version, though I don't know if it was just as buggy or if that was just because more people had it.

As for FEAR, I only played a few hours of the first one but wasn't really impressed. I should add that I have about zero interest in generic military Shooters, and for the most that's what FEAR felt like during those first few hours. You just shoot at human opponents in SWAT gear, and every now and then there's some random scripted shock effect or vision and most of those were rather boring. I do remember a handful of more creative and creepy effects later on, so maybe the game gets better after the first few chapters/missions?
Yeah, the first FEAR is largely shooting soldier guys, most of the supernatural stuff you had to run away from or was pretty non-threatening. It does get more horrific as you go on. Like I said, I think Perseus Mandate and 2 were heavier on the horror, and there's more variety of enemies, though still a lot of military guys.

Condemned is pretty good, it's by the same guys. As was said, PC only got the first one, so I've never played the second, which is a shame because I hear the second has some fantastic sequences and gets completely nuts at the end.

Edit: To address Ricky_Bobby, I believe, and the PCGamigWiki seems to back me up, that it only had a disc check. Hard copies of FEAR as well.
Post edited September 27, 2016 by doccarnby
I can't recommend Scratches enough! It's a great horror game, with an interesting storyline and some very engrossing moments.

It's not an in-your-face kind of horror, not a lot of jump-scares. But it achieves much, relying on story, exploring your sorroundings and with a great soundtrack and sound effects. For me, the most terrifying moment of the game is in fact a moment where there's nothing on screen trying to scare you, but the tension being built so far really gets me (damn that basement!).

If you can get this game in any forma, do so!
CharlesGrey: I went ahead and ordered a physical copy of Evil Within and Dead Space 2. Apparently the latter doesn't even require Steam, only a one-time online activation. And for what it's worth they were pretty cheap, so I figured I'd give them a shot, despite the DRM.
Don't forget to get TEW's dlc in a sale, they really are worth playing.
Aye, Dead Space is optionally redeemable on Origin but not required.
WireHead: I can't recommend Scratches enough! It's a great horror game, with an interesting storyline and some very engrossing moments.

It's not an in-your-face kind of horror, not a lot of jump-scares. But it achieves much, relying on story, exploring your sorroundings and with a great soundtrack and sound effects. For me, the most terrifying moment of the game is in fact a moment where there's nothing on screen trying to scare you, but the tension being built so far really gets me (damn that basement!).

If you can get this game in any forma, do so!
Is it currently available on any DD stores? I thought it used to be on GOG, but I can't find it here or on Humble. Could probably find a cheap retail copy, but does it work on modern computers?
omega64: Don't forget to get TEW's dlc in a sale, they really are worth playing.
Aye, Dead Space is optionally redeemable on Origin but not required.
How do the DLCs for Evil Within work? Can you play them as separate chapters, after completing the main game?
Post edited September 28, 2016 by CharlesGrey
Frajalistic: Fatal Frame is awesome.

Clive Barker's Undying is my all time favorite horror game.

Aliens vs Predator was pretty good too.

Granted, these are old games, but I haven't played the newer games like Amnesia, Outlast, Soma, etc. My PC is super old. (It won't run any games from 2006 and up. I can't wait to try Among the Sleep and Layers of Fear whenever I get around to building a new machine.

Although I did just finish Dead Space on PS3 and enjoyed it very much. It's almost like a video game version of the movie Event Horizon.
CharlesGrey: Undying is really good. It's surprisingly creepy and atmospheric, despite the outdated visuals. Would be a great candidate for a modern remake. I also enjoyed Clive Barker's Jericho, even though it's very different from Undying. ( Another game which should be part of GOG's library, damn it. )
There has been a bit more talk in the forums as of late mentioning Clive Barker's The Undying, so I installed it last night to dig into it again. I found it really creepy when I first played it years ago and have always wanted to complete it but just never focused on it for whatever reasons. I'm hoping to now finally go through the entire game though, and spent a couple hours last night playing it. Still makes the hair stand up on my neck. :)

Yeah, the graphics are somewhat dated nowadays but the mood and atmosphere is still strong I am finding. An anniversary remake with an upgraded engine would be great although I doubt that's likely to happen as it was never a AAA game of sorts, and probably considered a bit niche. Still, it is a horror classic from a horror genius so one that every horror game fan should have for sure!

I have Jericho but only played it very briefly also. Maybe an hour or so tops. It had more of a squad FPS shooter type feel of it with an Aliens like vibe IIRC. I'll have to give that another whirl one of these days also.
skeletonbow: There has been a bit more talk in the forums as of late mentioning Clive Barker's The Undying, so I installed it last night to dig into it again. I found it really creepy when I first played it years ago and have always wanted to complete it but just never focused on it for whatever reasons. I'm hoping to now finally go through the entire game though, and spent a couple hours last night playing it. Still makes the hair stand up on my neck. :)

Yeah, the graphics are somewhat dated nowadays but the mood and atmosphere is still strong I am finding. An anniversary remake with an upgraded engine would be great although I doubt that's likely to happen as it was never a AAA game of sorts, and probably considered a bit niche. Still, it is a horror classic from a horror genius so one that every horror game fan should have for sure!

I have Jericho but only played it very briefly also. Maybe an hour or so tops. It had more of a squad FPS shooter type feel of it with an Aliens like vibe IIRC. I'll have to give that another whirl one of these days also.
Yeah, similar to System Shock 2, the sound design of Undying is a large part of why the game is still scary. But even the graphics have some cool details here and there, if you pay attention. And many creature and character designs definitely have that Clive Barker vibe to them.

As for a remake, you never know... Seems like we got all kinds of remakes during the last few years. Maybe they could start a crowd-funding campaign for it. Who is the owner of the game now, anyway? Clive Barker himself?

Jericho will probably disappoint you if you expect it to be just like Undying. But I think it's a great game in its own way, if you give it a chance. Fun gameplay mechanics, a captivating story, downright nasty creature designs, and some really cool characters, including leather-clad priests and telekinetic lesbian snipers.
CharlesGrey: Yeah, similar to System Shock 2, the sound design of Undying is a large part of why the game is still scary. But even the graphics have some cool details here and there, if you pay attention. And many creature and character designs definitely have that Clive Barker vibe to them.

As for a remake, you never know... Seems like we got all kinds of remakes during the last few years. Maybe they could start a crowd-funding campaign for it. Who is the owner of the game now, anyway? Clive Barker himself?

Jericho will probably disappoint you if you expect it to be just like Undying. But I think it's a great game in its own way, if you give it a chance. Fun gameplay mechanics, a captivating story, downright nasty creature designs, and some really cool characters, including leather-clad priests and telekinetic lesbian snipers.
Undying is owned by Dreamworks / EA by the looks of it. I doubt they'd do a remake of it, but if they sold it off to some younger more hardcore company perhaps. Maybe THQ Nordic!

I never expected Jericho to be like Undying, or anything in particular really. I'm a massive Clive Barker fan and just had to have anything with his name on it without even watching a trailer or anything. :) So far though you've sold me on the lesbian snipers. :)
Post edited September 28, 2016 by skeletonbow
WireHead: I can't recommend Scratches enough! It's a great horror game, with an interesting storyline and some very engrossing moments.

It's not an in-your-face kind of horror, not a lot of jump-scares. But it achieves much, relying on story, exploring your sorroundings and with a great soundtrack and sound effects. For me, the most terrifying moment of the game is in fact a moment where there's nothing on screen trying to scare you, but the tension being built so far really gets me (damn that basement!).

If you can get this game in any forma, do so!
CharlesGrey: Is it currently available on any DD stores? I thought it used to be on GOG, but I can't find it here or on Humble. Could probably find a cheap retail copy, but does it work on modern computers?
omega64: Don't forget to get TEW's dlc in a sale, they really are worth playing.
Aye, Dead Space is optionally redeemable on Origin but not required.
CharlesGrey: How do the DLCs for Evil Within work? Can you play them as separate chapters, after completing the main game?
Yeah they're launched from the main menu, saves are seperate for each.
Do yourself a favour and play the Darkness Within games ("In Pursuit of Loath Nolder" and "Dark Lineage").
The first one is very much like Scratches, but whereas Scratches gets all the praise (deservedly so and I love it to bits), these
gems are sadly overlooked.

Thou shalt not regret it!
skeletonbow: Undying is owned by Dreamworks / EA by the looks of it. I doubt they'd do a remake of it, but if they sold it off to some younger more hardcore company perhaps. Maybe THQ Nordic!

I never expected Jericho to be like Undying, or anything in particular really. I'm a massive Clive Barker fan and just had to have anything with his name on it without even watching a trailer or anything. :) So far though you've sold me on the lesbian snipers. :)
Come to think of it, a completely new Clive Barker game would be great too. Do you know whether he was happy with how the previous two games turned out?
CharlesGrey: How do the DLCs for Evil Within work? Can you play them as separate chapters, after completing the main game?
omega64: Yeah they're launched from the main menu, saves are seperate for each.
Nice, I might pick them up if I like the main game. Are they big downloads? And how long are the add-ons?
Daniel_M: Do yourself a favour and play the Darkness Within games ("In Pursuit of Loath Nolder" and "Dark Lineage").
The first one is very much like Scratches, but whereas Scratches gets all the praise (deservedly so and I love it to bits), these
gems are sadly overlooked.

Thou shalt not regret it!
I actually have the first one, but haven't finished it. It was pretty good, but the 360 degree backgrounds could be kinda nausea inducing after a while, and I tend to get stuck in these P&C adventures. I think I already downloaded a walkthrough for it, so I might pick it up again and try to finish it.
Post edited September 29, 2016 by CharlesGrey
CharlesGrey: Come to think of it, a completely new Clive Barker game would be great too. Do you know whether he was happy with how the previous two games turned out?
Hmm, good question. No idea about that. What would be mind bogglingly awesome, would be to have either Weaveworld and/or Imajica turned into full length feature films if not 2 or 3 movies in epic fashion. Both of those books were among some of the finest most incredible fiction I've ever read.

I read both of them close to the time they were released, which is quite a long time ago now. Back then after reading the books one couldn't help but think what amazing epic movies they could become, but also realize that it would be impossible to make either of them into a movie because the special effects would be completely impossible.

Now fast forward to 2016 and we now live in a world where if someone can think it in their mind and describe it on paper, someone else can make it appear on film one way or another. CGI allows absolutely anything to be possible.

As such, I foam at the mouth at the mere idea of either of these epic horror fantasy fiction coming to life on film some day, and subsequently - a video game based on each as well. Man that would be awesome, and doubly so if it were to be made by CD Projekt RED!

Almost certainly just a wet dream idea though. Barker has pursued turning Weaveworld into a movie and into a TV series in the past and it all went basically nowhere. Pretty shitty as it truly deserves to be shown in the big theatres IMHO. Hopefully someday he manages to do it, or someone to come at a later date decides to do it and to do it full blown epic Peter Jackson style.
CharlesGrey: Nice, I might pick them up if I like the main game. Are they big downloads? And how long are the add-ons?
Don't really remember, about 2-3 hours or so each?
Get them in a sale. ;P
Post edited September 29, 2016 by omega64
If I've got it right, what you appear to prefer are horror with a blend of action, rather than adventure or mystery based horror games.

Have you though of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines? There are some seriously creepy moments in a haunted house and also plenty of jump scares in the sewers. Naturally these work best on a first time play-through, but they remain excellent even in re-plays. Plus the game is currently in the sale :)

One example of creepy and psychological based horror which I found interesting was Anna - Extended version. It is a first person mystery game, so might not be your cup of tea.