Claybrook1993: I am very disappointed with how these people conduct their business. I purchased System Shock and found out I cannot play it on my Mac. I never downloaded it and tried to contact these vultures for a refund that same day. I was not this angry at first and thought they had the common decency to give me a reply. Their time limit for a refund has now expired and I have been completely ignored. If the games they sell are available through someone else, I would recommend purchasing from the alternative choice. These people clearly do not have any value for their customers.
As one of GOG's resident Mac users...
a) Are you talking about System Shock/System Shock Enhanced Edition, or System Shock 2? You can run
all three of these games very well on most Macs, whether it be through CrossOver, Wineskin, or Porting Kit...with both CrossOver and Porting Kit offering almost zero-configuration, out-of-the-box installations. Or, if you want to roll your own, there's Wineskin. Don't want to pay for CrossOver? Wineskin and Porting Kit are free, and both backed up by good communities to boot.
b) The system requirements of all of the System Shock games -- that are
officially supported -- are
very clear and explicit. Yes, you can run and play them very well on unsupported configurations (I have SS:EE and SS2 running perfectly on a 1.83 Ghz 32-bit Core Duo MacBook with a GMA 950 through Wineskin, for goodness' sake -- if these games can run on Mac hardware from 2006, rest assured they will run on your hardware), but to do that, you need to do your
due diligence and
research these games on the particular hardware configuration you have.
tl;dr: It is
your responsibility, as the consumer, to ensure that the product you are purchasing works on the hardware you own. The seller's responsibility only goes so far as the hardware which they explicitly state on their webpage.
c) GOG's support staff are in Poland (several time zones removed from your country). It is the middle of a major sale generating a large amount of support requests. It is still relatively small compared to Steam, or Apple with the MacAppStore. It stands to reason then that their customer service will not respond instantaneously to your requests. Be patient.
In fact, if you just calm down and help us help you (e.g. by posting your specs, presenting your problems in a way that isn't confrontational), you'll find that there are many among us who'd be more than happy to help you enjoy the games you purchased.