Since the thread is "only" a month old, it's not considered necroing, right? Maybe a little CPR?
So, just recently beaten Hollow Knight, still some stuff to do to complete the full 112% (am at 108%) and this what I think: It's freaking HARD!
With that said, it depends. If one just want to finish the game, just read a online walkthrough and skip most of the hard sections, the said
hard sections are entirely optional. Now, completing the game (and the freaking DLC's) it's way, way diferent than finish the base game.
As a little review:
the combat is nothing short of amazing, it's better and more satisfying than most fight games. With little more than 4 keys (jump, nail, dash and sometimes cast) all sorts of movement and combinations can be done. Most enemies are attacked from above and combats won by using the same move.
The platforming it's forgiving except the White Castle section (not even mentioning the Path of Pain) but not that hard and optional.
The exploration is great and as any metroidvania, you keep passing on the same places (back and foward) but as you move on the sections became a lot easier to the point of not even be a challenge anymore. The map is well built and after initial exploration it's easy back travel to most places in 1 or 2 minutes, tops! (with many shortcut's to bypass slower/challenging sections)
Some people mention the save places being limited, it's not a problem, maybe on initial game but after a couple of hours, it's not a issue and most dificult sections have a save place near or you don't even go back to a save place (like dream battles, you just wake up). This is not a game that you should play in 5 minute burts anyway...
I'll just add that is easy to not die except on boss fights.
ciemnogrodzianin: Git gud.
I'll tell you and trust me, please. I was close to remove the game after the first few hours. My kids made me to keep it. And at some point I've changed my mind and started to play. Sometimes it was a 10 minutes a day, because I didn't want to be beaten more ;)
Just chill out, take your time, pass for a few days, but - keep fighting, keep trying. Git gud, Panaias! Git guuuud! :D
This sums up the game experience.
Git Gud!
This comes naturally from playing the game, not like Git Gud in a way you train for the Olympics.
Most bosses you encounter at first and seem dificult, after a while will be easy to the point of not being hit a single time...
One of the great aspects of this game is that most challenging sections and bosses turn very easy after completion.
Just keep playing and take some breaks, it really helps. The skill to overcome the game comes very naturally. Well, except the DLC sections wich were designed to be insanely dificult for those who want... Meeeeeeeee!!!!!