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tinyE: Am I the only one really depressed by this thread? :P
A man just badmouthed Calvin and Hobbes. So no, you aren't.
tinyE: Am I the only one really depressed by this thread? :P
jefequeso: A man just badmouthed Calvin and Hobbes. So no, you aren't.
Well I used to do that when someone else hung out in here but that was different, :P

I was referring to all the people who have never played Diablo and to a lesser extent the Half-Life games which while over rated are kind of classics. It's like saying you never played Pac Man.
HereForTheBeer: System Shock 2 (on my shelf, still waiting for SS1 first)
Do yourself a huge favour and just play it! I haven't played SS1 either, but from what I know, it's almost completely unrelated. Really, you don't need to play the first one to enjoy the second.

There are some vague references to the first game though. Basically, all you need to know about SS1: The game is set on Citadel Station, you play as an unnamed hacker, and SHODAN is the villain.
tinyE: Am I the only one really depressed by this thread? :P
jefequeso: A man just badmouthed Calvin and Hobbes. So no, you aren't.
I've been wanting to say this for years and it lay on my soul like a dark burden, a terrible secret: I don't like Calvin & Hobbes, it never made me laugh not once. There, I said it. I had to say it! I also never finished Planescape Torment and *drumroll* Grim Fandango. This is how horrible I am, a demon. I started playing Grim Fandango 17 years ago and I'll eventually get around to finishing it though I'm not in a hurry.

Edit: Oh, and I never finished Deus Ex either, also in my backlog as we speak. Do I give a flying fcuk? No, I don't. None of these games were essential absolute must haves back in the day, this whole legend status thing is entirely more recent and I haven't quite caught up yet to reclaim my stupid "gamer card", nor do I care much.
Post edited February 10, 2015 by awalterj
jefequeso: A man just badmouthed Calvin and Hobbes. So no, you aren't.
awalterj: I've been wanting to say this for years and it lay on my soul like a dark burden, a terrible secret: I don't like Calvin & Hobbes, it never made me laugh not once. There, I said it. I had to say it! I also never finished Planescape Torment and *drumroll* Grim Fandango. This is how horrible I am, a demon. I started playing Grim Fandango 17 years ago and I'll eventually get around to finishing it though I'm not in a hurry.
Finish Planescape, you human scum!

Post edited February 10, 2015 by jefequeso
Half Life 2
Gears of War
jefequeso: Finish Planescape, you human scum!

I will eventually, but it has a super low priority. Right now, I have to collect eggs with a yellow chicken baby that can teleport and use a freezer gun, actually more fun and it's good for my brain too.
I've never any Assassins Creed games, in fact I'm not even really sure what kind of game it is (FPS, RPG, Space Combat Sim) nor do I have the slightest clue what it's about. I know a lot of people love the series, but it's completley off my radar.

Planescape Torment has been called the best RPG ever, but I really couldn't say. I've tried playing Baldur's Gate 1 a few times. I can't take more than a few hours before I rage quit over the inadequecies of the Infinity Engine. Baldur's Gate is the only Infinity Engine game I've ever played and I hated it so much I've never even touched an of the others. So I guess add all those to the list as well.

I had pretty much written off the Bioshock series due to DRM, but I was able to get the first one DRM Free in a Humble Bundle, but I have yet to play it. I plan on changing that this year.
Haven't played stanley parable yet, or transistor.
A few sprang to mind immediately, and a few others were mentioned in the thread already, but here's a bit of a list:

Fallout 2*
Homeworld Series
Vampire:The Masquerade Bloodlines*
HoMM 3*
Mount and Blade*

Diablo 2

No FPP games listed because I really dislike that perspective, even though I have a few floating around that I got as bonus items, or as gifts (Bioshock and Mirror's Edge are two that come to mind). The last two are games I'm just not interested in, but I see mentioned all the time.

*These ones I actually own, but just haven't gotten to them yet.
Skyrim - Which is totally wierd as I played the hell out of Oblivion.

All D&D games, never played one of them. Didnt play D&D growing up, so I never have tried the games. Not sure where I would start if I did want to try one. Neverwinter, Balders Gate? No idea...
LJChronx: Neverwinter, Balders Gate? No idea...
How about Eye of the Beholder? ;)
Oh, lots, but the only thing coming to mind at the moment is the Mass Effect series.
If something is popular I will usually try it out to see what all the fuss is about.
HereForTheBeer: System Shock 2 (on my shelf, still waiting for SS1 first)
Austrobogulator: Do yourself a huge favour and just play it! I haven't played SS1 either, but from what I know, it's almost completely unrelated. Really, you don't need to play the first one to enjoy the second.
The stories are related, even though the protagonists are different (I think). SS2 refers to the first game at some points, IIRC.

To me it would be similar as to seeing Terminator 2 movie without seeing the first movie, or seeing Aliens without seeing the first Alien. You can enjoy the second movie without seeing the first one, but there is that nagging feeling you don't know the whole picture about the history of some characters, what were their mutual relationships before etc.

I have to say though SS2 was a bit of a disappointment to me, maybe I was expecting too much. I prefer the first game actually (with the mouselook mod, e.g. System Shock Portable).
Post edited February 10, 2015 by timppu