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Gerin: Baldur'a Gate is it for me. I tried it a long time ago and didn't get into it. After I discovered GOG I tried it again because so many ppl say it's the holy grail of gaming, etc. My reaction was the same as before. I call BG 1&2 my much ballyhooed classic that I haven't played more than a little of.
Maighstir: Not everyone has to like the classics... even if I almost think you're a heathen for not worshipping the Infinity Engine games as the holy grail of gaming.
Hmmm.... I'm playing Icewind Dale at the moment and, personally I think it's focus on combat really highlights some of the shortcomings with the Infinity Engine as a gaming engine for presenting RPG games

- Shield / Bow swapping - because there's no penalty for changing equipment - equipped weapons and even Armour it becomes 'correct' to constantly swap 4 or 5 of your guys from sword and shield to 2 handed bow and no shield, I even find myself constantly changing my fighter-mage from wizards robes to plate mail and back again - annoying!
- too easy to cheese combat by creeping forward so as to only trigger a few members of a set piece mob
- constant 'get in a mosh, get beat up, trek back 5 screens to rest, rinse, repeat' gameplay
even makes me question if its best to adapt a table-top RPG system or build one from scratch to be more suited to computer based play

Saying all that though, even though IWD is the weakest Infinity Engine game I've played it's still damn fun and I WILL finish it (taking break from the final chapter to go off and do the 'Heart of Winter' expansion stuff at the moment) and, in terms of WRITING BG2 and particularly Torment can't be touched (or are rarely touched anyway - Fallout series probably has a good claim, for instance)
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Fever_Discordia
awalterj: ~snip~
I see, but it's a pity that all this internet posing and merchandise surrounding the game spoilt it for you. I dislike "Still Alive", too, mainly because it has little to do with the actual game, which I thought was innovative and fun.
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Leroux
awalterj: ~snip~
Leroux: I see, but it's a pity that all this internet posing and merchandise surrounding the game spoilt it for you. I dislike "Still Alive", too, mainly because it has little to do with the actual game, which I thought was innovative and fun.
It's actually the only game theme I've even played on YouTube - I love it quite a lot
IMO all the writing of Portal is dark, nuanced and hilarious
But then, I love The Stanley Parable too and am British so....
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Fever_Discordia
Leroux: I see, but it's a pity that all this internet posing and merchandise surrounding the game spoilt it for you. I dislike "Still Alive", too, mainly because it has little to do with the actual game, which I thought was innovative and fun.
Fever_Discordia: It's actually the only game theme I've even played on YouTube - I love it quite a lot
IMO all the writing of Portal is dark, nuanced and hilarious
But then, I love The Stanley Parable too and am British so....
I liked the humor in Portal, I just thought that the "Still Alive" song didn't really represent it. It has a different tone, a different voice even and it sounds more like fanfiction to me, not quite of the same quality as the game. I also don't like what they did with the story in Portal 2 and that Wheatley Disney side-kick robot they introduced (why does it have a better speech program than GLaDOS?). The first game just made more sense in that regard, felt more consistent. But I still enjoy the gameplay (and the humor, although it doesn't feel as fresh anymore). I also like The Stanley Parable. :D
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Leroux
Oblivian and Skyrim. And I like rpg's.
Most shooting games and gruesome games, for a start.
God of war.

Main character/game is way too lame. He is ugly with stupid tats... and there is a sex mini game...
Far too many to list...

Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed
Total War
Call of Duty
Far Cry series (except the 1st one)
Diablo 2 (played only 30mins)
Fallout 1,2 and Tactics
System Shock 2

I stopped buying Meh-Stream games, they're plagued with DRM and don't bring anything new to the table and are filled with insane amounts of DLCs. On the other hand games like System Shock 2 and the early Fallout series, I still have to play those thanks to my huge backlog.
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Ganni1987
Buttloads of games (especially on consoles), but for PC the ones that irritate me the most for not having played even briefly yet even though I've owned them for ages:

Deus Ex
Vampire the Masquerade & Bloodlines
Descent Freespace 2
Homeworld series

There are also buttloads of games I have "played", but only briefly, as in to see how it looks and feels, and I really should get back into:

Fallout (the first one, I haven't even touched the latter ones)
Descent Freespace
Wing Commander Prophecy
The Longest Journey
Monkey Island (I've finished MI2 a long time ago, I wish I had played them in order)
Post edited February 09, 2015 by timppu
The best game I have never played is Final Fantasy 7. So annoying that their re-release has that awful DRM. I'll probably never play it since I refuse to pirate it. :(
Half Life
Command and Conquer series
Company of Heroes series
Baldur's Gate series (Though I have played some of the other D&D games)
Descent series
Soldier of Fortune series
Mortal Kombat series
Diablo (Played games like Diablo)
Just about anything exclusive to Steam honestly.
Dark/Souls series
Armored Core Series
Fallout 3
Bayonetta series
Leroux: I see, but it's a pity that all this internet posing and merchandise surrounding the game spoilt it for you. I dislike "Still Alive", too, mainly because it has little to do with the actual game, which I thought was innovative and fun.
It is a pity indeed and I certainly understand that maybe the game is good despite having a particular type of fan base that alienates me. So I did buy the game a while ago to one day check it out and form an opinion based on fact rather than negative association / a poor impression from having seen gameplay videos. All the games I listed are potentially good games in regards to what they try to achieve, it's just that I see them pop up as favorites of people with whom I feel I have nothing in common with other than internet access and that doesn't make me particularly eager to play these games. It's not that I hate them to feel better about myself or that I like to piss in someone else's parade, I just feel alienated. A bit like when I discovered The Oatmeal a couple days ago and realized there's tons of people out there (even here) who find that stuff funny. I just, can't...I can forgive people for thinking Calvin & Hobbes, Garfield and Dilbert are funny but The Oatmeal? No idea how I could sit at a table with people who find that kinda stuff funny and have a good time with them and it's probably mutual, just not my crowd. It's important to note that I don't mention what I dislike for sadistic purposes, just that I believe we define ourselves by our dislikes as much as by our likes.
Fever_Discordia: It's actually the only game theme I've even played on YouTube - I love it quite a lot
IMO all the writing of Portal is dark, nuanced and hilarious
But then, I love The Stanley Parable too and am British so....
Leroux: I liked the humor in Portal, I just thought that the "Still Alive" song didn't really represent it. It has a different tone, a different voice even and it sounds more like fanfiction to me, not quite of the same quality as the game. I also don't like what they did with the story in Portal 2 and that Wheatley Disney side-kick robot they introduced (why does it have a better speech program than GLaDOS?). The first game just made more sense in that regard, felt more consistent. But I still enjoy the gameplay (and the humor, although it doesn't feel as fresh anymore). I also like The Stanley Parable. :D
er.... yeah... LOL actually, back on topic, as much as I love Portal (and I do love it) you can add the 2nd one to my list for this thread, same with Half Life actually, although I haven't even got on to playing Opposing Force over on that side!
Despite all the great things I have heard, I have never played HOMM3 ... Waiting for sale plus free cash to align..
Am I the only one really depressed by this thread? :P