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Maighstir: Not everyone has to like the classics... even if I almost think you're a heathen for not worshipping the Infinity Engine games as the holy grail of gaming.
Gerin: It's interesting how greatness is so subjective. Sometimes I can see how something is well done and would be loved by many ppl, even if I am not one of them. Other times I have favorites that get me laughed at. I might not be normal, but tests are ongoing.
Being laughed at at least means people notice you, and that's better than being completely invisible due to not not having anything that sticks out from the norm, just laugh with them.
Post edited February 11, 2015 by Maighstir
LJChronx: Is that a good game to learn the D&D rules?
Leroux: It's definitely simpler than the others, also quite a different game, but it might teach you some basics without overwhelming you - mainly some famous spells that you'll probably find in most of the other games, too, and possibly also the basic attributes and how Armor Class works, at least in the old editions used from SSI Gold Box games like Pool of Radiance to Infinity Engine games like Baldur's Gate (Neverwinter Nights is a different matter again.)
Maybe Ill check it out...
Leroux: It's definitely simpler than the others, also quite a different game, but it might teach you some basics without overwhelming you - mainly some famous spells that you'll probably find in most of the other games, too, and possibly also the basic attributes and how Armor Class works, at least in the old editions used from SSI Gold Box games like Pool of Radiance to Infinity Engine games like Baldur's Gate (Neverwinter Nights is a different matter again.)
LJChronx: Maybe Ill check it out...
Dungeon Hack would work, too. Or one of the Gold Box games, if you want an advanced lesson (I'd prefer custom modules for Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures). Sadly, none of these games is available as digital purchase at the moment. :(

As for the newer, better available games, Neverwinter Nights should be easiest to get into, but it has the least interesting story and the most annoying ally AI, so I'd recommend playing some good and short community modules (without henchmen or with better henchmen AI), in order to learn the ropes, or playing on an online server where other players can help you and answer questions about the rules.
Post edited February 11, 2015 by Leroux
Gnostic: List too long. some just played briefly or too little

Dragon Age series
Mass Effect series
Assassin's Creed series

Fallout 1,2 and Tactics, new vegas

Wasteland series

God of war series
Deus Ex series

Monkey Island

Planscape torment
Icewind dale series

Witcher series

Shadow Run series

Legancy of kain series
Banner Sage

Hitman series
jdsgn: Dragon Age: Nevermind, EA, hands off. Played it, was medium.
Mass Effect: Quite interesting, probably give it a try.
Assassin's Creed: play the 2nd one. That's clearly the best installment.
Icewind Dale: I'd not say that is really something you *have* to play (though it's quite decent)
Witcher: Gameplay is good, graphics are nice, I never found the storylines to be too catching...
For the rest: TOTALLY GO FOR IT! Find some time and play them. The others I have not play and can say nothing about them.

I hope that helps a bit in managing your backlog (;
Thanks, I am thinking of finishing some RTS because I take such a long time in finishing RPGs. I prefer to reserve the RPGs for long holidays.

As for FPS, I wonder if I should prioritize hitman or max pryne first
Gnostic: As for FPS, I wonder if I should prioritize hitman or max pryne first
Both are good and one of my favourites in the genre. Of the 2, Max Payne has a much better storyline.

Hitman got improved with sequels (I heard Absolution wasn't good, but it's the only one I haven't played). For Max Payne, I felt 2 was way worse, mainly because they changed how the character looks. I haven't played MP3.
Gnostic: As for FPS, I wonder if I should prioritize hitman or max pryne first
Woah that's a tough one. Max Payne has a slightly better story, Hitman has a slightly cooler gameplay. So it kinda depends on your priorities.
Kerbal Space Program.

Need to get it someday...
darthspudius: Look it's not going to kill you or your pc. There is nothing wrong with using it for limited usage. Portal 1+2 are worth it.
Didn't the Steam client delete the personal files of some unlucky people due to a bug? :-S

Anyway, this is mostly due to a "moral" standpoint, even if Steam is not the bogeyman of DRM. At a later time I'll re-evaluate things. My current PC can't run it anyway and GOG supplies me with enugh games to keep me playing for the next 10 years!

I'm glad you enjoyed Portal, and I'm glad to know that the sequel is up to the same level.
darthspudius: Look it's not going to kill you or your pc. There is nothing wrong with using it for limited usage. Portal 1+2 are worth it.
Gede: Didn't the Steam client delete the personal files of some unlucky people due to a bug? :-S

Anyway, this is mostly due to a "moral" standpoint, even if Steam is not the bogeyman of DRM. At a later time I'll re-evaluate things. My current PC can't run it anyway and GOG supplies me with enugh games to keep me playing for the next 10 years!

I'm glad you enjoyed Portal, and I'm glad to know that the sequel is up to the same level.
To be honest I'd say the sequel was a big improvement. I cannot tell you if it deleted anyones stuff but I can tell you from experience that I have never had any problems.
Roxolani: Skyrim
Be sure that you do not have to be productive in the near future when starting this game. It nearly destroyed my life :'D
VABlitz: Call of Duty
vicklemos: Have my upvote!
It's not everyday you see someone who plays a lot of Hatoful Boyfriend and has never played one of the COD games.
Just don't like 'em, that's all.
I may have played it if it wasn't for the fact that the early ones were set during WW2. I was into FPS until everyone jumped on the WW2 FPS games bandwagon. That era just left me so bored. When game companies finally started producing FPS that I would play again, I just lost all interest in the genre.
vicklemos: Have my upvote!
It's not everyday you see someone who plays a lot of Hatoful Boyfriend and has never played one of the COD games.
Just don't like 'em, that's all.
VABlitz: I may have played it if it wasn't for the fact that the early ones were set during WW2. I was into FPS until everyone jumped on the WW2 FPS games bandwagon. That era just left me so bored. When game companies finally started producing FPS that I would play again, I just lost all interest in the genre.
I thought it was just me. Good to see that.
Stevedog13: I can't take more than a few hours before I rage quit over the inadequecies of the Infinity Engine.
What exactly bothers you? Don't feel you need to play on normal difficulty if the combat gets to you, just turn the difficulty down. If that's not it, it's honestly probably just a getting a feel for it sort of thing, a lot of games, especially "older" games have that and it can take a handful of hours to really get comfortable with the interface/engine/feel of the game, sometimes up to 10 hours even.

I like BG and BG2 well enough, but I don't think they are as great as they are made out to be. The story is very good, well told/developed, but what you get for the amount you have to play is unbalanced, and might not be the game for you to try RPG-wise. You can play a good 40-50 hours without hitting on much story or character development. Sure, you will get bunches of quests, but they are pretty individualized and wholly unrewarding and non-contributive to the entirety of the game.

The thing I like about them is that they really feel like a fantasy adventure and you are thrown believably into the role of the main character, sent off into a dangerous and unfamiliar world and you're not sure why. It takes a long time and you adventure around quite a bit, but it's not an adventure game, it's an RPG with a lot of combat game, and so it's probably not a great place to start if you are looking for an enthralling RPG to get you started on the genre because of the pacing (if you can get used to the feel of it, of course.) Again, just turn the difficulty down, breeze through all the combat, take your time with it because there is so much wilderness/sidequest stuff it can be overwhelming, just do it at your leisure as you like. But really, there are bunches of other games you should play first, IMO:

Planescape: Torment - be sure to install the mods, of course (inability to stack items was the #1 thing wrong with the engine in that game, one of the mods fixes that, plus all of the extra content and fixes of course.) It's rewarding from moment to moment, blows BGs out of the water, no comparison really.

Fallout 1+2 - get the GOG versions if you can, mod them as suggested, and enjoy. The interface takes a little getting used to (scroll to the edge of the screen to move around your view before having to move your character is one of the harder "get the feel for it" aspects of the game.) Different engine too. Increase the combat speed to take away a little tedium.

Arcanum - You have issues with the InfinityEngine? HAH! Despite the issues with the interface/engine of this game, it is worth playing, and again, you really just get used to it and it becomes no big deal, just takes some patience to learn the feel like a lot of games. Make sure to play on fast turn-based combat, and read the manual a bit is good before playing in order to decide what kind of character you want to play so you can create the right character and build it properly.
There's so many I haven't played, and only talking about PC games, as console games I've barely played anything other than lots of atari (don't care to either.) There's a lot I haven't played that I don't care to either (like the HoMM games, Alpha Centauri, Riven [I played Myst a handful of hours and hated it])

-*edit*- oh yeah, I also have never played the Mass Effect games, I tried the first one for about 5 minutes and was furious with how the dialogue options weren't actually what the character said, so I could never really tell what was going to be said, and I hated it so hard I stopped playing. I've played a few games like that and I hated it every time. It works in Return to Zork but that implimentation is very different than that of Mass Effect and others like it.

Still yet to play that I want to:

for me the #1 so hard above any others is Gothic, I need to get a copy, already, I know, but am broke as fug.
Tomb Raider games (played a demo back in the day and liked it okay but never got it) - I have 1-3 on here to play eventually though.
Max Payne - want to, but never got it.
Hitman (3 of them) ^
Outcast - have it but haven't gotten to it

As for the Diablo games. Don't waste your time! Completely empty vanity games that suck your soul if you're not careful. Not as evil as WoW, certainly, but they are still BAD. I wish I could get all those hours of my life back from Diablo and Diablo II, and I've never felt like that for any other game other than WoW (luckily I only played it for 6 months, which was still too much, but it could have been worse.)
Post edited February 14, 2015 by drealmer7