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JuWalk: ...
HappyPunkPotato: FrodoBaggins only made three posts and no-one else (who posted) wanted to ban anything yet there's been all of this backlash. What makes you so sure that there aren't millions of women out there affected by porn games? I'm not in anyway saying these two things are the same, but we all know victims of real life abuse often don't speak out due to thinking they won't be believed, they are on their own, what happend was their own fault. I've had a look back over the thread and if you were a woman who was concerned about porn games how likely would you be to speak up when faced with this:
Do you think that triggering a person like JuWalk makes the situation better? Now there are even more personal attacks directed at FrodoBaggins. This thread is massively derailed now.
Post edited October 08, 2022 by foad01
foad01: Don't you think that triggering a person like JuWalk makes the situation better? Now there are even more personal attacks directed at FrodoBaggins. This thread is massively derailed now.
You're right. I should probably stop responding to him since it really doesn't seem to be helping anything.

I'll just say:
Voight-Kampff - It's a good idea and sorry for helping to derail your thread so much.
TheGrimLord - It was interesting talking to you and I hope you get the rest of the games you like here. Your enjoyment of them has actually made me think less badly of them.
FrodoBaggins - Hope you're OK and that you don't take the comments here to heart.
JuWalk - If you are triggered by this topic as you said, I hope you're OK too.
rtcvb32: Such games have been around a very long time. Strip Poker was even on 8bit machines (Atari, apple, Amiga, etc), i had access to the Atari variant.
Sex Olympics on the Amiga ... good old times.
It was animations in horrifying quality, you had to move the joystick left and right very quickly.
It was easier if you connected a mouse to the joystick port.

Before the current boom of 3d prerendered images there was a community writing AIF (adult interactive fiction) text adventures written in ADRIFT and TADS, some of them were quite good. One of the first and also most elaborated ones was "Moist". First you had to find your way through some dark caves to a hidden castle (the player being naked all the time, just wanted to say that for those who think it's always the women being naked). In the castle there were 4 women: The maid Fanny, the guard Ilsa, the ... no idea but she played a card game, and the queen. The queen was the end goal of the game, she wanted reccomendations from all her servants. It was a really classic advnture, you had to find items and use them in the proper place, cheat at cards and so on. And there were also many ways to lose.
And it was all text, all was described, no images.
Most of the game were from a male perspective of course, but some also had a woman as player character. In one you would play a female spy like James Bond, on your mission you had the chance to get comfy with at least one guy.
In one of the Sam Shooter games ther characters would change. During the story sometimes you would play Sam (a constantly horny idiot who unintentionally did the devils bidding in a previous game), sometimes his sister Laurie working together to save the world from the devil. And of course getting into some amurous adventures.

The modern 'games' are nothing more than stories mostly where you have to click click click click. That's quite disappointing, I miss the adventure aspect.

These would be classics worthy of a "good old games" page, but they were never commercial, so it's not gonna happen.
Post edited October 08, 2022 by neumi5694
neumi5694: The modern 'games' are nothing more than stories mostly where you have to click click click click. That's quite disappointing, I miss the adventure aspect.

These would be classics worthy of a "good old games" page, but they were never commercial, so it's not gonna happen.
Oh, there were games of this matter and nature. Just that they're down a rabbithole that GOG refuses to look.
CyberBobber: I remember when I was kid I played something like "Las Vegas Virtual Poker" it was strip poker, if you won, girls took their clothes off.

Im 100% sure porn games could be massive, due to PornHubs popularity.
They're getting there. Jesus Christ, look at itch and Patreon. I've never seen so many, there must be thousands just in the west alone. Not even counting the east!
I wonder how the prudes of this thread would react if they caught me putting girl faces on bare boy chests in Lego games.
LegoDnD: I wonder how the prudes of this thread would react if they caught me putting girl faces on bare boy chests in Lego games.
The thing is, some may not be prudes, but may have genuine trauma from past experiences, and certain things can be triggers... Nothing wrong in them wishing to protect themselves from such things, especially on a gaming site.
windows984ever: If you hide these trashy software titles behind a curtain, wouldn't that pique more peoples interest?
Human curiosity and all.
TheGrimLord: Trashy? Oh, hush you. And no. I don't think that it would. People who go to the adult section would be there because they wanted to be there. People who want regular games will be here for regular games. Judging by the strong opinions from the moral police, I do not think many people on that end would get "curious." Rather, they'd be pleased "the trash is in the back, where it belongs."
Ok, whats a better term? Sleazy? Grotesque? Bereft of gameplay progression since the pc-98 Japanse computers?
TheGrimLord: Trashy? Oh, hush you. And no. I don't think that it would. People who go to the adult section would be there because they wanted to be there. People who want regular games will be here for regular games. Judging by the strong opinions from the moral police, I do not think many people on that end would get "curious." Rather, they'd be pleased "the trash is in the back, where it belongs."
windows984ever: Ok, whats a better term? Sleazy? Grotesque? Bereft of gameplay progression since the pc-98 Japanse computers?
Sir, are you an idiot? And Mods, I don't mean this as an insult. I'm actually asking the man if he is bereft of knowledge regarding adult games, particularly gameplay games. You'd have to be a fool to not see how we've progressed from Softporn Adventure to the kind of work you'll see on I've mentioned before that a lot of developers here in the west are making gameplay games with sexual content, rather than just pornographic material you'll find on pornhub. One of these is still debating the contract for GOG, but has been accepted. The game is definitely a gameplay game with dozens of endings, several paths depending on the decision you make and a mix of gameplay reminiscent of Mega Man X. Not only that, we have a partly completed adult version of Mario Kart that is a great deal about the racing. There's Slimegal Smoothies which is a game where you have to make different drinks using fruit, but it's quite complicated. Then we have Book Of Korvald which is a 2D open world platform dungeon crawler with adult scenes.

You see, a big part of this is the itch and Patreon platforms. Itch allows adult games and doesn't even censor them from the front page. No one complained and everyone has their fetish. Even fetishes I don't care for at all. Patreon funds a lot of these projects, but they are strict with some fetishes, so there is that. Because of these platforms, developers have a home to develop their games and a paying audience for them. Steam has also been lenient with them as well. You can get upset all you like, the adult gaming industry is by no means fading, it's getting larger. Just scrolling through all the adult titles on itch was staggering last night. I had no idea there were actually so many adult games on the platform. There must be well over a thousand, if not more.
Trooper1270: The thing is, some may not be prudes, but may have genuine trauma from past experiences, and certain things can be triggers... Nothing wrong in them wishing to protect themselves from such things, especially on a gaming site.
You're just describing prudes with a good reason; and in case you hadn't noticed, this thread is infested with prudes without a good reason, as indicated by their want to "protect" more than themselves.

The thread was literally started with a request for a feature which is already present. Those who want to use it but are too stupid to do so don't deserve catering.
windows984ever: Ok, whats a better term? Sleazy? Grotesque? Bereft of gameplay progression since the pc-98 Japanse computers?
TheGrimLord: Sir, are you an idiot? And Mods, I don't mean this as an insult. I'm actually asking the man if he is bereft of knowledge regarding adult games, particularly gameplay games. You'd have to be a fool to not see how we've progressed from Softporn Adventure to the kind of work you'll see on I've mentioned before that a lot of developers here in the west are making gameplay games with sexual content, rather than just pornographic material you'll find on pornhub. One of these is still debating the contract for GOG, but has been accepted. The game is definitely a gameplay game with dozens of endings, several paths depending on the decision you make and a mix of gameplay reminiscent of Mega Man X. Not only that, we have a partly completed adult version of Mario Kart that is a great deal about the racing. There's Slimegal Smoothies which is a game where you have to make different drinks using fruit, but it's quite complicated. Then we have Book Of Korvald which is a 2D open world platform dungeon crawler with adult scenes.

You see, a big part of this is the itch and Patreon platforms. Itch allows adult games and doesn't even censor them from the front page. No one complained and everyone has their fetish. Even fetishes I don't care for at all. Patreon funds a lot of these projects, but they are strict with some fetishes, so there is that. Because of these platforms, developers have a home to develop their games and a paying audience for them. Steam has also been lenient with them as well. You can get upset all you like, the adult gaming industry is by no means fading, it's getting larger. Just scrolling through all the adult titles on itch was staggering last night. I had no idea there were actually so many adult games on the platform. There must be well over a thousand, if not more.
My mistake then. Not all of us have virulent sexual urges that we need to suppliment with other content.
All I can offer you is a few words in one of my prayers to Mecca tomorrow.
HappyPunkPotato: If you are triggered by this topic
Not a topic, but a specific message. As has been said several times, I'm all for adding filters too. The more options, the better. Just like games)

neumi5694: Before the current boom of 3d prerendered images
This boom, by the way, was a punishment for a long time) It was impossible to look at many renders without tears. And now, in general, there still are enough of them... Everything was somehow simpler with the drawn ones

Trooper1270: Nothing wrong in them wishing to protect themselves from such things, especially on a gaming site.
With the desire to protect themselves - yes, no problem. And filters are quite suitable for this (precisely in the plural, so that even those who do not like violence can protect themselves from shooters and fighting games, for example). But in order to protect yourself, demanding to take something away from everyone in general is too much, whatever one may say.

P.S.: And yes, people really could do with learning not to mix "boobs-boobs-few words-boobs-sex-boobs again" games with sex-themed games that also have an interesting plot or gameplay. I myself don't like the first ones because they are simply boring and, in my opinion, totally pointless. Not to mention all the rubbish like "just put together a jigsaw puzzle with a picture of a naked anime girl". But the existence of such games doesn't mean at all that all games of this direction are just such. Go to the same Steam, dig somewhere at its bottom, and you will be horrified by how disgusting your favorite genres would look if they were judged by far from the best representatives)
rtcvb32: Such games have been around a very long time. Strip Poker was even on 8bit machines (Atari, apple, Amiga, etc), i had access to the Atari variant.
neumi5694: Sex Olympics on the Amiga ... good old times.
It was animations in horrifying quality, you had to move the joystick left and right very quickly.
It was easier if you connected a mouse to the joystick port.

Before the current boom of 3d prerendered images there was a community writing AIF (adult interactive fiction) text adventures written in ADRIFT and TADS, some of them were quite good. One of the first and also most elaborated ones was "Moist". First you had to find your way through some dark caves to a hidden castle (the player being naked all the time, just wanted to say that for those who think it's always the women being naked). In the castle there were 4 women: The maid Fanny, the guard Ilsa, the ... no idea but she played a card game, and the queen. The queen was the end goal of the game, she wanted recommendations from all her servants. It was a really classic adventure, you had to find items and use them in the proper place, cheat at cards and so on. And there were also many ways to lose.
And it was all text, all was described, no images.
Yeah i remember coming across some disks with Text adventures for the adult. Problem really being the size of the game, even in text where you have the minimal amount of waste, you were still limited to 32k or smaller games, and a bunch of that would still be BASIC in order to program it (very poorly but it could be done)

Ugg, most of the sex based games were probably terrible back in the day. Better machines and frameworks have at least made more recent games workable, and not so laughably bad graphically.

Oh well.
rtcvb32: Yeah i remember coming across some disks with Text adventures for the adult. Problem really being the size of the game, even in text where you have the minimal amount of waste, you were still limited to 32k or smaller games, and a bunch of that would still be BASIC in order to program it (very poorly but it could be done)

Ugg, most of the sex based games were probably terrible back in the day. Better machines and frameworks have at least made more recent games workable, and not so laughably bad graphically.

Oh well.
When I came across them in tht late 90s, there were already interpreters like TADS and ADRIFT around, no more BASIC.
And the distribution took place over the internet. 200KB were not uncommon for a game, Moist had 400KB and British Fox had 900 KB - and that's all script, that's not even the software to actually display that thing.
And sure, many were mediocre at best, but some were really good.

Really ... the stuff you got there was by far more interesting that what gets produced today. The prerendered images limit too much, it's not possible to put in different action without rendering a new pic, so they limit the actions.

Where 25 years ago it was a problem how much would fit on a floppy disc, if a closeup could be added or not (I mention Loom here), games with prerendered images face a problem, that they are too time consuming to make (setting up scenes, rendering), and of course they take a LOT more space (what's badik's size now? 20GB?) than games that just use a real 3d environment. But these are harder to make
CyberBobber: I remember when I was kid I played something like "Las Vegas Virtual Poker" it was strip poker, if you won, girls took their clothes off.

Im 100% sure porn games could be massive, due to PornHubs popularity.
TheGrimLord: They're getting there. Jesus Christ, look at itch and Patreon. I've never seen so many, there must be thousands just in the west alone. Not even counting the east!
Sure, some crap, but not triple A quality ones.

If CDPR keeps making sex scenes, somekind of strip poker could benefit their brand. Would be actually fun to see what Unreal 5 can do.

CyberBobber: I remember when I was kid I played something like "Las Vegas Virtual Poker" it was strip poker, if you won, girls took their clothes off.

Im 100% sure porn games could be massive, due to PornHubs popularity.
rtcvb32: Such games have been around a very long time. Strip Poker was even on 8bit machines (Atari, apple, Amiga, etc), i had access to the Atari variant.

Funniest part i remember i had a super big bet and got them to match; And having 4 Kings in my hand, and the AI answering with 'Fuck!' and then stripping.

But beyond that...

CyberBobber: Im 100% sure porn games could be massive, due to PornHubs popularity.
rtcvb32: Maybe. Far more likely you'll just get a compilation of all the saucy scenes, some with replacement music to make it amv/hmv's. Which just makes me wish some of those games were translated as a number of them are animated very well.
Back in the days there were more, I found one on Steam called Fantasy Strip Poker & Blackjack, even its low budget one.
Post edited October 09, 2022 by CyberBobber