Posted April 14, 2021
lutris-wrapper: Mordor: The Depths of Dejnol
Running /usr/bin/wine /home/drcat/.wine/drive_c/MORDOR/MORDOR.EXE
Initial process has started with pid 109888
Start monitoring process.
wine: Unhandled exception 0xc0000092 in thread 10c at address 6CA4066C (thread 010c), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: floating point stack check in 32-bit code (0x6ca4066e).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:6ca4066e ESP:00e4cd80 EBP:00e4cdb8 EFLAGS:00210206( R- -- I - -P- )
EAX:00e4cdd8 EBX:00000002 ECX:00001772 EDX:00000001
ESI:00197478 EDI:7e2930a0
Stack dump:
0x00e4cd80: 00000000 3ff00000 00000000 00000000
0x00e4cd90: 1f7273f8 13721772 00197aa8 6ca40703
0x00e4cda0: 00197aa8 00e4cdd0 00000002 7e2930e7
0x00e4cdb0: 00000000 001973f8 00e4cde8 7e28cfc3
0x00e4cdc0: 00010038 00e4cdd0 00000002 c845ea00
0x00e4cdd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
=>0 0x6ca4066e EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4cdb8)
1 0x6ca40703 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4cdb8)
2 0x7e28cfc3 X11DRV_create_desktop+0x8212() in winex11 (0x00e4cde8)
3 0x7e2c3052 X11DRV_UpdateCandidatePos+0x5f71() in winex11 (0x00e4cfe8)
4 0x6ca387b8 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4d0e8)
5 0x6ca3e874 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4d0e8)
6 0x6ed820b5 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d238)
7 0x6ed836ab EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d238)
8 0x6ed88a69 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d238)
9 0x6ed8ac9c EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d4c8)
10 0x00932d0c (0x00e4d4f8)
11 0x00921668 (0x00e4d518)
12 0x664035e0 (0x00e4d548)
13 0x0557:0x648b (0x02f7:0xba64)
14 0x0557:0x00a2 (0x02f7:0xba94)
15 0x0557:0x0000 (0x02f7:0xbab0)
16 0x0557:0x82f1 (0x02f7:0xbaba)
17 0x054f:0x0030 (0x02f7:0xbae8)
18 0x054f:0x0311 (0x02f7:0xbb3c)
19 0x04d7:0x14b0 (0x02f7:0xbb98)
20 0x058f:0x055c (0x02f7:0xbbc2)
21 0x058f:0x031c (0x02f7:0xbbee)
22 0x011f:0x044b (0x02f7:0xbc28)
0x6ca4066e EntryPoint+0xffffffff in gdi32: fmul %st(2),%st
So basically, this happens whenever I try to invoke an additional window in Mordor: The Depths of Dejnol. Even the main game window. My understanding, (According to what someone told me once) is that Mordor uses a [url=]stupid dwarf trick[/url] that basically means it's a DOS programmed wrapped in Windows, rather than a Windows Native program. Which for the era, would have been unorthodox at best.
If this proves to be nothing but exceptional gibberish, I understand.
Running /usr/bin/wine /home/drcat/.wine/drive_c/MORDOR/MORDOR.EXE
Initial process has started with pid 109888
Start monitoring process.
wine: Unhandled exception 0xc0000092 in thread 10c at address 6CA4066C (thread 010c), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: floating point stack check in 32-bit code (0x6ca4066e).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:6ca4066e ESP:00e4cd80 EBP:00e4cdb8 EFLAGS:00210206( R- -- I - -P- )
EAX:00e4cdd8 EBX:00000002 ECX:00001772 EDX:00000001
ESI:00197478 EDI:7e2930a0
Stack dump:
0x00e4cd80: 00000000 3ff00000 00000000 00000000
0x00e4cd90: 1f7273f8 13721772 00197aa8 6ca40703
0x00e4cda0: 00197aa8 00e4cdd0 00000002 7e2930e7
0x00e4cdb0: 00000000 001973f8 00e4cde8 7e28cfc3
0x00e4cdc0: 00010038 00e4cdd0 00000002 c845ea00
0x00e4cdd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
=>0 0x6ca4066e EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4cdb8)
1 0x6ca40703 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4cdb8)
2 0x7e28cfc3 X11DRV_create_desktop+0x8212() in winex11 (0x00e4cde8)
3 0x7e2c3052 X11DRV_UpdateCandidatePos+0x5f71() in winex11 (0x00e4cfe8)
4 0x6ca387b8 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4d0e8)
5 0x6ca3e874 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in gdi32 (0x00e4d0e8)
6 0x6ed820b5 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d238)
7 0x6ed836ab EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d238)
8 0x6ed88a69 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d238)
9 0x6ed8ac9c EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in user32 (0x00e4d4c8)
10 0x00932d0c (0x00e4d4f8)
11 0x00921668 (0x00e4d518)
12 0x664035e0 (0x00e4d548)
13 0x0557:0x648b (0x02f7:0xba64)
14 0x0557:0x00a2 (0x02f7:0xba94)
15 0x0557:0x0000 (0x02f7:0xbab0)
16 0x0557:0x82f1 (0x02f7:0xbaba)
17 0x054f:0x0030 (0x02f7:0xbae8)
18 0x054f:0x0311 (0x02f7:0xbb3c)
19 0x04d7:0x14b0 (0x02f7:0xbb98)
20 0x058f:0x055c (0x02f7:0xbbc2)
21 0x058f:0x031c (0x02f7:0xbbee)
22 0x011f:0x044b (0x02f7:0xbc28)
0x6ca4066e EntryPoint+0xffffffff in gdi32: fmul %st(2),%st
So basically, this happens whenever I try to invoke an additional window in Mordor: The Depths of Dejnol. Even the main game window. My understanding, (According to what someone told me once) is that Mordor uses a [url=]stupid dwarf trick[/url] that basically means it's a DOS programmed wrapped in Windows, rather than a Windows Native program. Which for the era, would have been unorthodox at best.
If this proves to be nothing but exceptional gibberish, I understand.
This question / problem has been solved by WinterSnowfall