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Which games are keeping you company this weekend?

The week's end is upon us! Time to rejoice, consume unhealthy amounts of food, sleep, relax, and play a lot of videogames. Not necessarily in that order. But weekends are not about order, they are about wonderful, uninhibited, guilt-free fun.

So which games are you playing this weekend to achieve the fun? Go on, share your Weekend Playlists with us. They can include single-player games, multiplayer games, console exclusives, anything - we are not judging. In fact, we are sharing too!

Looking for some inspiration, perhaps? The releases of the week provide plenty:

You can wreck the dead with your dancing routines in the new <span class="bold">Crypt of the NecroDancer DLC</span>
You can crawl into the labyrinthine dungeon of <span class="bold">Barony: Cursed Edition</span>
You can catch up to the upcoming <span class="bold">Blood and Wine</span> expansion for <span class="bold">The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</span>
You can puzzle/platform your way into the enigmatic heart of the <span class="bold">Braid</span>
You can solve this giant riddle of an island as <span class="bold">The Witness</span>
You can blow away aliens with a super-tank in <span class="bold">Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy</span>
You can build your own <span class="bold">Goliath</span> and play fisticuffs with huge monsters
You can blast into space and become a <span class="bold">Star Ruler 2</span> with the new <span class="bold">DLC</span>
You can fight under the neon lights, practicing your awesome <span class="bold">Megamagic</span>
Still working on the awesomeness that is Grim Dawn!
I'll be spending my gaming time this weekend grappling with some moral dilemmas in Pillars of Eternity - interspersed with Lichdom Battlemage for when I just want to blast fireballs around without worrying about consequences :)
phaolo: I'm at level 11, the one full of Tar covering the walls.
The puzzles are very well thought, but the game is damn hard and with some trial & error parts.
I don't dare imagine what horrors await me below..
Tar is actually the worst horror in 1. JtRH has Mud, which is a boring variant of Tar cuttable on the corners, and Wubbas (nasty unkillable cockblockers). The most difficult room has neither, though. TCB has what got me stuck: Gel, a viciously evil variant of Tar cuttable on the inner corners (with the remainder typically forming nice rounded blobs, thus losing me the room). The fun elements I'm not going to spoil; but I've never seen a turn-based game emulate action so well. You're in for a treat.

Do you play the hold through TSS or natively? (TSS has unlimited Undo, which is awesomesauce for obvious reasons.)
I still play Witcher 3, and Forced: Showdown. I think i will also find time to play Killing Floor 2 with my friends for 3-4 hours :)
dont have much time to play,but if i grab hour or two it will probably be Anno 1404
Great topic. I'm sadly not near my computer, but I'm currently playing dungeons 2 on gog, and and Fall of the Dungeon Guardians on steam since gog apparently don't want that great game on here (I swear I don't understand that). Also playing kingdom rush: frontiers and grand theft auto: liberty city stories on my iPad.
Quake series and Doom series while I spend the next 5 hours waiting for the new doom to install
Right now I'm playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The Light Sabre battles are amazing.
Currently i'm playing some FIFA 16....for whatever reason. Guess i'm bored....and uncreative in finding a better game to play.....
Day of the Tentacle. So far, I'd rate it as more difficult than The Dig and Full Throttle, but easier than Sam & Max.

Terraria. Maybe. After putting ~150 hours into it, I'm a little bored / demotivated to finish it.

Ronin. So, I got this in a Humble bundle, and it doesn't come with a DRM-free version for Linux (while the GOG version does...). Thankfully, it works under WINE. Why thankfully? Because it's so damn good! It's like an action-y version of Gunpoint, only the action is turn-based! Which reminds me, vote for Gunpoint!

Risk of Rain. If the new patch lands for the Linux version, I'll once again try it and be disappointed by the fact it still doesn't work.
vicklemos: Here's what he meant! :D
Haha, great idea; Lan party with the squirrels! :)
A bit of everything as usual.

RaceRoomExperience recently added a new car, the Tatuus F.4, so I'll be doing some test laps with that one.
I'll also be continuing a current championship in Stock Car Extreme, with the Opala stock car.

In the evenings I'll play some Avernum, Xenonauts, Blackguards, Eisenwald or Dead State ... haven't decided yet.
It's part of my ritual to play these kind of games while catching up with my favourite podcasts, Giantbomb and StarTalk.

There's lots of motorsport on TV this weekend, so there will be much less time for gaming than normal.
I... don't know what to play, actually. I was replaying KOTOR II for the umptienth time, but... Ehhh, I lost interest.

Maybe I'll play Planescape: Torment again? Need to finish that fucker. We'll see. :/
-First time play of Albion - what a cool unique adventure so far...

-The Witcher 2 (i know, behind the times). Trying to wrap things up in the second "act" where i've kind of stalled out - my least fav Witcher environment so far, but I know there's lots more good to come here and in TW3.

-Stalker:Clear Sky
-Freedom Force
-Hearts of Iron 2
-Trying to get started in Crusader Kings.

.... and all of the above when I can tear myself away from Dying Light. Did I also mention I have fairly limited time?

And then I need to work on duplicating myself somehow so I can better keep up with my gaming :)