Shannqa: Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but all you said is that hp laptops are shit and they break down with some dust. If you want people to be on your side, it would be nice to read what exactly happened? Otherwise I don't see how we're supposed to support you with no info whatsoever.
Greetings to you, youngling. Though you may have only recently flown from the nest, your feathers still soft and lacking experience, I, the omniscient; aged and sagacious from having seen 80 bitter winters fly to your aid to further elucidate on these matters. Fear not, for your intuition guides you well! Rest assured that you aren't being obtuse. This manner of idiosyncratic expression is commonplace for the honourable gentleman, oft are even wise men confounded by his bemusing words, left only to scratch their heads in bemusement. Not even someone of my experience can make sense of them. Only the most astute are capable of such a feat. Perhaps in ten more winters, I, too, will be capable. If you don't trust these words, I beseech you, refer to threads of old, ones made before your first flight. Then you too shall see, that the fault is not your own.