thank you. :}
rottennote: just to confirm is heroes IV supported on windows 10. its on 75% discount. i want to buy. just don't know if it is supported on windows 10. anyone knows?
thank you
tfishell: Thanks to the new refund policy, even if it wasn't listed as supported on the gamecard, if you wanted to you could take a chance and see if it ran on your machine; if it didn't you could ask for a refund.
thank you. that could be useful.
tfishell: Thanks to the new refund policy, even if it wasn't listed as supported on the gamecard, if you wanted to you could take a chance and see if it ran on your machine; if it didn't you could ask for a refund.
nightcraw1er.488: That’s really bad advice though, and probably a damaging policy from GOG. If I refunded the games I didn’t like or didn’t work then I would half my collection if not more. What should be made clear is the emphasis is on the buyer, examine the product, check the requirements, then make a sensible informed decision on wether or not to buy it and then stick with that decision apart from the rare exception there is a problem. I can’t see this refund policy lasting very long at this rate.
not to worry, it's an old game that i want to try playing again. but if im getting a higher specs and price game, probably it's good to get to know the game support better. thanks again.