Emachine9643: Problem with Krav Maga is that I don't buy into what they are teaching. Yes its a real style taught in Israeli army and probably in some other nation armies. But the stuff I see for civilians here in the states seems like a con. Lots of demonstrations and what sealed the deal for me was that I was hearing a gym leader say that they won't compete because they would have to change moves around to fit fighting matches (makes sense) and krav maga is all about the moment. And they can't show you what the style really does unless its a real event. That last part sounded so shitty to me.
I am unsure if krav maga taught in US is different (I think you at least have some kind of color belt system that European (or at least Finnish) krav maga schools don't have, and it may be you belong to a different international krav maga organizaion), but at least to me the stuff they teach in krav maga here makes sense and is realistic (I have quite long history in several martial arts).
For comparison, I won't claim the same for e.g. Bujinkan budo taijutsu which I've practised too (and in which there is no competitions either). I feel BBT is much harder (but not impossible) to apply to real life situations, it is simply harder to learn.
The reason there are no competitions in e.g. krav maga is rather simple to me. For one thing, in competitive arts you are taught to handle one adversary at a time, e.g. in Brazilian Ju Jutsu you try to get get control choke of that one adversary on the ground, and that's it. You don't have to care about situations like "what if he has a friend standing on the side, is it really a good idea then to just wrestle with one guy?".
Also, self-defense arts like krav maga might teach that unless there is a pressing reason to do so, you should try to run away. Like, a series of hits to the assailant, and then run away. How do you compete with something like that?
Anyway, as you said you are not really looking for self-defense, then maybe krav maga/defendo is not your thing. I think in something like muay thai or BJJ you'll get a better workout overall.