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Kasper, do you have me muted? :P
What was that? Someone wrote something??? :-)

Narh, you're right, 1st person perspective lacks some of the info gained from 3rd person camera. Win some, lose some ....
Post edited June 10, 2016 by KasperHviid
KasperHviid: What was that? Someone wrote something???
Just checking. XD I must be getting paranoid.
KasperHviid: What was that? Someone wrote something???
tinyE: Just checking. XD I must be getting paranoid.
Cue the X-Files theme.
KasperHviid: What was that? Someone wrote something??? :-)

Narh, you're right, 1st person perspective lacks some of the info gained from 3rd person camera. Win some, lose some ....
Normally when I tell people I drive 3rd person they call me the world's biggest idiot. I was kind of waiting for that reply. :P
nicethugbert: I enjoy fast responsive movement games. So, I am attracted to racing games because of the fast movement. However, I'm really bad at them because they are so unresponsive, slip and slide all over the place. But I want that speed!

I mentioned that to a racing game fan and he remarked something about the need ot downshift when taking corners. That's not a lot to go on, but, apparently, there is a method to the madness.

The problem I havenow, besides, actually getting good, is that there are so many racing games and I still really do not know what the hell I'm doing. I can't tell the difference between one game and the next except the graphics. I don't understand the mechanism.

So, will anyone familiar with racing games help me make sense out of them?
What you want is Carmageddon !!
KasperHviid: What was that? Someone wrote something??? :-)

Narh, you're right, 1st person perspective lacks some of the info gained from 3rd person camera. Win some, lose some ....
tinyE: Normally when I tell people I drive 3rd person they call me the world's biggest idiot. I was kind of waiting for that reply. :P
i always drive third person
i want to see my fucking car cause there is no tactile feedback at all other then a controller that rumbles a bit
KasperHviid: What was that? Someone wrote something???
tinyE: Just checking. XD I must be getting paranoid.
Reminds me of this guy:

Had this years ago, strange though the sound on it doesn't work, He is saying "Hello, I'm in your monitor"
nicethugbert: I enjoy fast responsive movement games. So, I am attracted to racing games because of the fast movement. However, I'm really bad at them because they are so unresponsive, slip and slide all over the place. But I want that speed!

I mentioned that to a racing game fan and he remarked something about the need ot downshift when taking corners. That's not a lot to go on, but, apparently, there is a method to the madness.

The problem I havenow, besides, actually getting good, is that there are so many racing games and I still really do not know what the hell I'm doing. I can't tell the difference between one game and the next except the graphics. I don't understand the mechanism.

So, will anyone familiar with racing games help me make sense out of them?
nightcraw1er.488: What you want is Carmageddon !!
NO! He wants CARMAGEDDON 2!!
That's one big reason I don't play racing games.

The only racing games with responsive controls I can think of are Mariokart and F-zero.
Strijkbout: What I forgot and maybe is even more important than what I first mentioned is how you control the game wheter its by keyboard, gamepad or steering wheel. You should take some the time to configure the controls so they're responsive but not nervously twitchy.
Actually, unless it's a very old game designed to be played with keyboard, you definitely need an analog input method. At least a controller with analog sticks, if you can't afford a wheel.

For me changing from gamepad + buttons to analog sticks in Gran Turismo 3 meant going from barely beating the game (and almost quitting it due to frustration) to getting seriously hooked to it for months. I don't even want to think the level of addiction I'd reach with a wheel and a modern game.
tinyE: Yeah but what good is that if you can't see how sharp you need to make the turn? Without 3rd person I have no clue how much room I have to work with turning or passing; I hit EVERYTHING! :P
Ahhhh... so that's what happened with the (in)famous Ford Escort? :-P
Post edited June 11, 2016 by nepundo
one of the most improtant lessons that you have to master in racing games, is TO FIND OUT IN WHICH DIRECTION YOU SHOULD DRIVE. this is hard as nails. there are mostly 2 directions to shoose in a racing game, sometimes more, but only one of them is the right one. and its an important life lesson too, you can get really big trouble if you drive in the wrong direction. police is always helpful at this kind of problem.
tinyE: I love threads like this! Fun banter and no flaming!

First thing, nicethugbert, what racers have you played? They are all very different and it sounds to me like you have been playing primarily hard ultra realistic ones.
Been a long time since I played a racer but the last one I remember playing is Rage, many years ago. Some racers have gone on sale this week so te topic is on my mind again.

Rocket League and Race the Sun, which I have played recently are listed as Racers but they not really car or motorcycle racers so I don't really have a problem with them.
tinyE: I love threads like this! Fun banter and no flaming!

First thing, nicethugbert, what racers have you played? They are all very different and it sounds to me like you have been playing primarily hard ultra realistic ones.
nicethugbert: Been a long time since I played a racer but the last one I remember playing is Rage, many years ago. Some racers have gone on sale this week so te topic is on my mind again.

Rocket League and Race the Sun, which I have played recently are listed as Racers but they not really car or motorcycle racers so I don't really have a problem with them.
I like games like FlatOut and a lot of the NFS games because they are so forgiving, but a lot of 'purists' don;t consider them legit because their physics are almost nonexistent.