Posted June 22, 2017
For days now I've been searching for a good RPG. One that has actual role playing. One that feels like a real adventure. Seems lately character skills and diversity in RPGs just means a slightly different way to kill bad guys. I'm looking for a game that gives me a party of adventurers and lets me choose how to handle situations and obstacles using either a utility spell, a thief's rope and agility, or my fighter's charm. One that requires me to gear up not just with weapons but tools for an adventure. One that lets me use artifacts like boots of flight or gloves of strength to reach new areas. I've played all the modern RPGs from the Elder Scrolls to Fallout and Baldurs to Divinity and Dark Souls and Zelda. I'm assuming I have to go old school for this and that's cool.
So far I've tried****Might and Magic 7, Wizardry 8, and Wizards and Warriors****. I've only dipped my toe in but wanted to see which one of these were closest to what I'm after or if y'all had any better suggestions. Cause this itch won't stop! Graphically I'm cool going back this far or would even be cool with a graphical/text adventure/rpg if one exists like this.
Appreciate it.
So far I've tried****Might and Magic 7, Wizardry 8, and Wizards and Warriors****. I've only dipped my toe in but wanted to see which one of these were closest to what I'm after or if y'all had any better suggestions. Cause this itch won't stop! Graphically I'm cool going back this far or would even be cool with a graphical/text adventure/rpg if one exists like this.
Appreciate it.