RyaReisender: I also keep trying to get into cRPGs. I really love the lore and exploration in these games. But what usually kills it for me are the massive amounts of text you need to read in them. I start to cry every time I reach a new town or the NPCs suddenly start to say new stuff so I have to talk to all of them again (I probably approach these games the wrong way and should just ignore the NPCs unless I have a reason to talk with them, but I always feel I might miss out on a reward that way).
Deciding for a build is usually the second obstacle, that often already makes me stop at the "Create character" screen.
Yeah, like I said, I've played plenty of CRPGs, one could say they're among my favorite genres, but new cities still make me groan every time as well. I don't know how others feel about it, but personally I don't like certain tropes and design choices in your average CRPG at all, and I'm convinced you could convey lore in better ways than to have the player listen to each and every peasant's and shopkeepers life story or make them read through long passages of books and journals.
Breja: No, you usually get some much more usefull loot and/or an invitation to the Assassin's Guild so you can feel like you've achieved way more :D
Not in the ones I've played. For every better item you
might get, you usually get a huge dose of guilt-tripping as well. And I don't remember many Assassin's Guilds. ;)
Anyway, I get your point, but I also get drealmer7's. I'm in between, I think one of you is overreacting to the issue, while the other one is downplaying it. My issues with the game, as mentioned above, were of an entirely different nature. :P (But like I said, I assume drealmer7's aversion to it is less about the game itself and more about the creators, marketers and the fans' hype.)