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So i'm not interested in the PC/PS4 sales and since my 3DS is currently gathering some dust i decided to pick up some titles from the current sale but i'm not sure what i want from it so if anyone has some of the games and could give some input i'll appreciate it.

I'm thinking:

a) Steamworld Heist - 17€
I really love the gameplay from what i've seen from it but considering that i can wait and get a better deal on other plataforms (who knows, even ps+ title) makes me reconsider...

b) Ace Attorney Dual Destinies - 11.24€
Ace Attorney Trilogy - 19.50€

This is the most expensive option (30.74€) but it comes with 4 titles. I really enjoyed the first one but the second one not so much since they changed the "health bar" (or justice bar, something like that) system, where in the first you would regain it after completing the trials in the second one it's a for the rest of the game (i think you replenish some of it but not all after the trials). Is this the same for the other two?

c) Super Street Fighter 4 - 8€
Virtue's Last Reward - 12.50€

I will call this the variety pack since it's a fighting game and a visual novel. To be honest i'm not a big fan of fighting games (yes, yes, even if my persona is Cyrax from MK) but i do enjoy mashing the buttons in fights from time to time... As for VLR, i did play 999 and it was great... until *ALERT "SPOILERS" AHEAD* i realize that there's a true ending (good ending) that can only be obtained if you complete a determined path/decisions, if you prefer, with a guide by your side. Does this do the same bullshit?
Cyraxpt: b) Ace Attorney Dual Destinies - 11.24€
Ace Attorney Trilogy - 19.50€

This is the most expensive option (30.74€) but it comes with 4 titles. I really enjoyed the first one but the second one not so much since they changed the "health bar" (or justice bar, something like that) system, where in the first you would regain it after completing the trials in the second one it's a for the rest of the game (i think you replenish some of it but not all after the trials). Is this the same for the other two?
Not sure if they have changed it for the 3DS version, but at least in the DS one of Trials and Tribulations, the health bar worked the same way as in Justice for All.
Edit: Hmm, wait, my mistake. From Ace Attorney's wiki:

The replenishment of the Confidence Gauge is treated somewhat differently across games. In Justice For All, the amount of "confidence" that Wright has carries over to every act in an episode and can only be replenished by breaking a character's Psyche-Locks, which recovers 50% of the Confidence Gauge. In Trials and Tribulations, however, the Confidence Gauge is replenished at the end of a trial or an investigation but not at the end of an act during an investigation or trial, separating trial penalties and spirit penalties. In Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, the Confidence Gauge is replenished at the end of each act, including acts that end in the middle of a trial.

For Dual Destinies:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies uses the Confidence Gauge in trials, but it almost never deviates from 20% penalties with the exception of one question near the end of Turnabout Academy, and does not use the gauge in investigations even with the magatama and Apollo Justice's bracelet. In both of these games, trials are started with all strikes, which are not replenished between trial acts taking place on the same day.
Cyraxpt: c) Super Street Fighter 4 - 8€
Virtue's Last Reward - 12.50€

I will call this the variety pack since it's a fighting game and a visual novel. To be honest i'm not a big fan of fighting games (yes, yes, even if my persona is Cyrax from MK) but i do enjoy mashing the buttons in fights from time to time... As for VLR, i did play 999 and it was great... until *ALERT "SPOILERS" AHEAD* i realize that there's a true ending (good ending) that can only be obtained if you complete a determined path/decisions, if you prefer, with a guide by your side. Does this do the same bullshit?
Aren't you better off buying Ultra Street Fighter IV? Or would you rather play Street Fighter on the go?

As for VLR, from a look at one FAQ and TV Tropes, it seems that you will still need to complete all paths before you can unlock the true ending.
Post edited December 25, 2015 by Grargar
You cannot go wrong with any of the Zelda games on 3DS right now.

Playing Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on the go is a great time.
Grargar: Not sure if they have changed it for the 3DS version, but at least in the DS one of Trials and Tribulations, the health bar worked the same way as in Justice for All.
Edit: Hmm, wait, my mistake. From Ace Attorney's wiki:
Yeah, they changed at least between those 2, i mean, i can play it and learn it the hard way but since it's a text heavy game it's a bit boring losing and having to restart all over again.
And it's basically one of the few visual novels that i can play (because it's really good) and in a sense, i have to support it so that maybe they start doing more like that and less... uhm... cringe...
Aren't you better off buying Ultra Street Fighter IV? Or would you rather play Street Fighter on the go?

As for VLR, from a quick look at one the FAQs and TV Tropes, it seems that you will still need to complete all paths before you can unlock the true ending.
USF4 - Eh, like i said, i'm not into fighting games (i always forget the combos) and i just want something in that genre to play from time to time, to be honest i never had a SF game, i only played the demo of those that were released on XBLA.

VLR - Uffffff... Again, amazing game but replaying the game different ways (obviously with a guide) it's not my style, i don't even like replaying games unless the gameplay is amazing (or it has been so long that i forgot half of the stuff).

Uhm... Hell, if SF4 had the same discount as in the US ($5) i could even go AA collection and SF4, but nooooooooo, europe has to pay extra because reasons....
Elmofongo: You cannot go wrong with any of the Zelda games on 3DS right now.

Playing Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on the go is a great time.
Lol, did you even read the op? :)

(besides, i already have OoT)
Post edited December 25, 2015 by Cyraxpt
Fire Emblem,Soul Hackers,Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate,Etrian Odyssey(careful,really freaking hard),Shin Megami Tensei IV(It's an SMT game so of course it's going to be hard),any of the Mario games especially Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land.
Cyraxpt: Yeah, they changed at least between those 2, i mean, i can play it and learn it the hard way but since it's a text heavy game it's a bit boring losing and having to restart all over again.
And it's basically one of the few visual novels that i can play (because it's really good) and in a sense, i have to support it so that maybe they start doing more like that and less... uhm... cringe...
Well, you could always abuse the shit out of the suspend feature to prevent yourself from restarting all over again, but this can also end up boring.
Cyraxpt: USF4 - Eh, like i said, i'm not into fighting games (i always forget the combos) and i just want something in that genre to play from time to time, to be honest i never had a SF game, i only played the demo of those that were released on XBLA.
Uhm... Hell, if SF4 had the same discount as in the US ($5) i could even go AA collection and SF4, but nooooooooo, europe has to pay extra because reasons....
I'm just saying that if you want to go for a Street Fighter IV, you'd better go with the version that offers a bigger roster of characters. After all, SSFIV's €8 price tag isn't that much cheaper from USFIV's current price (€9.51 on Steam) tag, so unless you want a Street Fighter on the go (or your PC can't handle USFIV), I don't see much benefit in buying SSFIV on 3DS.
Grargar: I'm just saying that if you want to go for a Street Fighter IV, you'd better go with the version that offers a bigger roster of characters. After all, SSFIV's €8 price tag isn't that much cheaper from USFIV's current price (€9.51 on Steam) tag, so unless you want a Street Fighter on the go (or your PC can't handle USFIV), I don't see much benefit in buying SSFIV on 3DS.
Yeah, it's more for the go (or better, for the bed, since sometimes i have problems sleeping i like to play half an hour before sleeping), i already have some fighting games on the pc and i'll probably end up having SF5 shared with a friend on the ps4.
But the more i think about it the less i want it, like i said, i was never into SF and i would probably have more fun playing Dead or Alive Dimensions (whenever that gets a nice discount on the eshop).

Btw, congrats on being the only one that reads besides the title. :p
Cyraxpt: Yeah, it's more for the go (or better, for the bed, since sometimes i have problems sleeping i like to play half an hour before sleeping), i already have some fighting games on the pc and i'll probably end up having SF5 shared with a friend on the ps4.
I see.
Cyraxpt: But the more i think about it the less i want it, like i said, i was never into SF and i would probably have more fun playing Dead or Alive Dimensions (whenever that gets a nice discount on the eshop).
According to 3DSpedia, Dead or Alive Dimensions is available in a digital form only in Japan. In addition, I can't find it on Nintendo's eshop, so a retail copy seems to be your only option for the game.
Cyraxpt: Btw, congrats on being the only one that reads besides the title. :p
Post edited December 25, 2015 by Grargar
Grargar: I'm just saying that if you want to go for a Street Fighter IV, you'd better go with the version that offers a bigger roster of characters. After all, SSFIV's €8 price tag isn't that much cheaper from USFIV's current price (€9.51 on Steam) tag, so unless you want a Street Fighter on the go (or your PC can't handle USFIV), I don't see much benefit in buying SSFIV on 3DS.
Cyraxpt: Yeah, it's more for the go (or better, for the bed, since sometimes i have problems sleeping i like to play half an hour before sleeping), i already have some fighting games on the pc and i'll probably end having SF5 shared with a friend on the ps4.
But the more i think about it the less i want it, like i said, i was never into SF and i would probably have more fun playing Dead or Alive Dimensions (whenever that gets a nice discount on the eshop).

Btw, congrats on being the only one that reads besides the title. :p
I own it, and it's not just better for if you're on the go, but better if you're a casual player. It has a "lite" mode, which lets you program moves to 4 buttons on the touchscreen as well as the buttons you normally play with.
Upside to this is that you can spend more time focusing on the strategy of which moves to use when than on getting blisters on your fingers from trying to pull off all those complicated combos.
Downside is that charge characters, such as Balrog and Guile, immediately become 200% more powerful.

It also has autoblock, which is really quite a controversial feature. It was intended to level the playing field so that newbies could face pros, and what it does is literally block for you when you're just standing there. They tried to counteract this by making it so that every hit blocked by autoblock builds up this grey meter (which decreases over time), and if you DO get a hit on them, it does damage equal to the grey meter.
Downside to this is that you get some SERIOUS cheaters in the online mode (where you'll spend 70% of your time) who know exactly how to use both autoblock and lite mode to your advantage, making such characters as Guile, Zangief, and Ryu (most commonly Guile) nearly impossible to beat, and they'll ragequit if they think they're losing (note that you don't gain points if they ragequit, they merely lose points).
Upside is that it can be used as a legitimate tool for newbies, especially if you're bad at the game or just generally have trouble remembering what character does what actions. Just don't abuse it, because it's frowned upon. I've seen people use it competently without blatantly using it to spam without punishment.

Also, if you don't feel like any of that, you can set it that you only play with "pro mode" players, meaning those who aren't using lite mode (I'm not sure whether it filters out autoblock or not since I never play in that mode). Personally, I'm a lite mode T.Hawk mainer who's logged around 300 hours. Before you criticize me for choosing both lite mode AND a grappling character, note that:
A. I openly admit to being a casual player, I'm never going to join any tournaments, and, true to my name, I like slower-paced thinking matches rather than endless combo fests.
B. I have no advantage over other lite mode players, and I only very rarely encounter pro mode players (try playing with him against Guile and see how far you get).
I didn't think the true ending to 999 was hard to get at all, if you've been through most of the rooms at least once and thought about the plot logically.

(Also you probably shouldn't play VLR yet if you haven't gotten the true ending in 999.)

anyway, yes it's set up similarly. Well, 999 just had one big flag that you had to set before you could get the true ending (safe ending -> true ending). VLR has a lot more dead ends/bad endings and flags that you have to trigger before you can move on to getting the true ending (on top of needing to getting all the gold files or not using hints or something from the puzzle scenes IIRC) But there's a flow chart that lets you immediately jump back to scenes/decision points/puzzle rooms so you don't have to start over the entire game each time and skip through the already read text.

(also, the 3ds version is kind of glitchy so don't save in puzzle rooms. though I think they tried to patch it)

(also, putting that aside the vita version is probably better)

(also, I'm using way too many "also" comments)
Grargar: According to 3DSpedia, Dead or Alive Dimensions is available in a digital form only in Japan. In addition, I can't find it on Nintendo's eshop, so a retail copy seems to be your only option for the game.
Oh... that makes sense, i actually never saw it on sale... And it's not actually that expensive on Amazon, now i have to wait for something else to order with (since they overcharge for the delivery).
zeogold: Snip
Oh, that's the bottom screen for, i thought it was something like touching to see how to do the combo, that's neat.

"Downside is that charge characters, such as Balrog and Guile, immediately become 200% more powerful. " -> What does this mean? The bosses are harder? If so, screw that, that is one thing that i hate about fighting games, i almost lost a friendship because the asshole was teasing me during my fight with Shao Khan (MK9, normal difficulty).

As for the last part, i wouldn't criticize anything, like i said i like to mash buttons and randomly do awesome combos. As for the online part, i never play online, so, eh...
mrcrispy83: I didn't think the true ending to 999 was hard to get at all, if you've been through most of the rooms at least once and thought about the plot logically.
Ehhhh... i disagree, from what i'm seeing i would have to pick the right dialogues in 4 different times, the other dialogue choices could also perfectly fit without being considered something bad/leading to a bad ending.

I don't like that, it's almost like when i played Shadowrun HK, just because it didn't do a random thing (hell, i didn't even do it because i thought it was a bug, the text was stuck) i had the less better ending, i'm still ok with it but i would rather had the good ending.
(Also you probably shouldn't play VLR yet if you haven't gotten the true ending in 999.)
I could always watch it on youtube, i already know who zero is.
anyway, yes it's set up similarly. Well, 999 just had one big flag that you had to set before you could get the true ending (safe ending -> true ending). VLR has a lot more dead ends/bad endings and flags that you have to trigger before you can move on to getting the true ending (on top of needing to getting all the gold files or not using hints or something from the puzzle scenes IIRC) But there's a flow chart that lets you immediately jump back to scenes/decision points/puzzle rooms so you don't have to start over the entire game each time and skip through the already read text.
Well, actually that makes it less annoying.
(also, the 3ds version is kind of glitchy so don't save in puzzle rooms. though I think they tried to patch it)
Yeah, i'm aware of it, dunno if they patch it but as in 999 i would never save in puzzle rooms because i wouldn't stop until i completed the chapter.
(also, putting that aside the vita version is probably better)
Yeah, but that would require me having a Vita... Maybe one day if i see it for less than 100€... But not for VLR though. :)
Cyraxpt: Oh, that's the bottom screen for, i thought it was something like touching to see how to do the combo, that's neat.

"Downside is that charge characters, such as Balrog and Guile, immediately become 200% more powerful. " -> What does this mean? The bosses are harder? If so, screw that, that is one thing that i hate about fighting games, i almost lost a friendship because the asshole was teasing me during my fight with Shao Khan (MK9, normal difficulty).

As for the last part, i wouldn't criticize anything, like i said i like to mash buttons and randomly do awesome combos. As for the online part, i never play online, so, eh...
No, the bosses aren't harder (the computer won't use autoblock or lite mode), what it means is that the online can become a bit skewed. Like I said, Guile autobock lite mode spammers come often and are endlessly irritating.
What I mean by "charge character" is that their main moves consist of holding the move button in a specific direction for a couple of seconds, then immediately going in the opposite direction and pressing an attack button. For example, Guile's Flash Kick requires you to hold down, then push up and press kick, and his Sonic Boom requires you to move backwards for a bit, then forwards and press punch, and these two moves are...essentially the main extent of his ability. Balrog even moreso because literally ALL of his moves outside of super/ultra combos and regular punches need to be charged.
However, if you don't intend to play online (which I don't understand exactly since that's half the fun of playing a fighter game, but whatever), then this should be no problem for you. In fact, it seems like a good fit. If you just wanna mash buttons and wreak havoc, you COULD do Guile on autoblock and lite mode and nobody'd criticize you for it since you're just doing it to demolish the computer opponent.
zeogold: Snip
Eh, i'm a terrible person whenever i play online games so you can imagine how awful one can be in a competitive game genre as the fighting games, i would be that guy screaming at the tv of how broken the game is, the other guy only uses cheap tactics, f this, f that...

I was actually good with MK but i only used one or two characters because i simply can't remember the combos and that is one game that really requires them (to maintain them in the air and continue doing damage), problem is that the game gets boring or i lose because i'm using a character that isn't very good against the opponent.

None of the less, i appreciate your input but i decided to buy the AA collection, i was thinking about it and it's better just to get the exclusives titles for the console, something tells me that Sony will eventually put SF4U on ps+ before SF5 comes out... or not. :)