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This is not complain thread, but what health issue do you have that really bugs you when you play ?

I myself have a bad right shoulder and pelvic pain due to age that really starts to kick in when playing some game for a few hours.
Malnutrition. I don't get enough food as it is, and when I get involved in a game for several hours it is likely that I will skip eating or just have some peanut butter or something small to keep me going and that is really really bad for me. I don't have time to do that much anymore, and am usually disciplined enough to stop myself and make sure I get some food, but, it still happens occasionally.
terrariann: This is not complain thread, but what health issue do you have that really bugs you when you play ?

I myself have a bad right shoulder and pelvic pain due to age that really starts to kick in when playing some game for a few hours.
Ugh, don't ask. Am looking at the terminal 40, so more or less.everything. Wrists, back, mostly. I switch hands, use m*k and controller on and off, bit it never goes away. Also pain behind right eye. Oh, and I forget things a lot, not sure if I mentioned that :o)
nightcraw1er.488: use m*k
Is that mouse & keyboard or are you bleeping a cuss word?
terrariann: This is not complain thread, but what health issue do you have that really bugs you when you play ?

I myself have a bad right shoulder and pelvic pain due to age that really starts to kick in when playing some game for a few hours.
nightcraw1er.488: Ugh, don't ask. Am looking at the terminal 40, so more or less.everything. Wrists, back, mostly. I switch hands, use m*k and controller on and off, bit it never goes away. Also pain behind right eye. Oh, and I forget things a lot, not sure if I mentioned that :o)
Sounds like both of you could use some cannabis relief for your soreness. It does wonders, really.
I'd go with the cannabis suggestion also.
I've got a bad back and some mild sciatic badness, but when I sit for too long playing games I get up and either do exercises or go mow the yard... like I just did. In October. Damn native american summers.
nightcraw1er.488: use m*k
Smannesman: Is that mouse & keyboard or are you bleeping a cuss word?
Yes mouse and keyboard. Got to ask, what explitive has m and k?
Smannesman: Is that mouse & keyboard or are you bleeping a cuss word?
nightcraw1er.488: Yes mouse and keyboard. Got to ask, what expletive has m and k?
I don't know, that's why I was so curious :P
It could almost be merkin I suppose.
I have hand and neck problems that cause me great pain in my arms with certain control types. I actually lost movement in my thumb a few days ago. Also my bad back becomes a distraction.
Is "work" a health problem?
Randalator: Is "work" a health problem?
most definitely.
Randalator: Is "work" a health problem?
Randalator: Is "work" a health problem?
Only if you're a communist.
Randalator: Is "work" a health problem?
lol I like that. A little hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance right?

Work does indeed get in the way at times, and depending on your job can even cause a multitude of health problems. So I think I would consider it as well. But we gotta do it if we want to buy games I guess.

On a more serious note on the topic, my being diabetic interferes with my gaming sometimes. Anyone who is diabetic knows that staying active is key to keeping your sugar in check. And the side effects of sugar running too high or too low is seriously not fun. Low is without a doubt my worst experience so far (recovering from a diabetic seizure is so bad) other than the initial high I had when I first found out. Still, I make sure to set aside a full weekend every once in awhile dedicated to gaming.