Posted October 29, 2016

I bought these games - they are mine, as are my books, my DVDs, my BRs, my guitars, my PC, my laptop, my car, my furniture, the content of my bank account, etc., etc., get the idea.
And I don't give a flying toss about what is written in some EULA.
So - no confusing on my side - I just prefer to keep simple things simple.
If you want to complicate them - hey,...that's fine by me.
And I agree! - you actually quoted the part of my post, in which I made it clear, that I'm talking about passing on my account to my heir (one person, to whom I am related to) - you certainly see the distinction between the one (public on PB) and the other (hand over to a heir)?

Because without it - none of your heirs will know about your GOG-account.
Or how to access it.