bler144: Help!
My reputation on these forums goes up 1 per day, without fail! At the start of March 2015, it was roughly '10', and now, just 400 days later, thanks to daily posting, it's 495.
Clearly I have a problem.
Can anyone help? Do I need an adult? How do I get my rep to stop going up 1 per day? Is it tinyE's fault? I'm pretty sure it is.
Thanks in advance!
hummer010: It's because you're only a bit of an ass. If you were more of an ass, people would downrep you. If you were less of an ass, people would uprep you.
Really, your problem is that you are half-assed.
Tauto: I know how to fix that.
hummer010: For the first time ever, I gave you a +1. That was funny.
Thanks,but it's a waste of time.
bler144: As did I. Quite nailed both the timing and the pith. Quality comedic effort should always be rewarded, imo.
Breja: I guess the effort he puts into downrepping people is indeed comedic, but I don;t think it should be rewarded :P
I love it,and a special deal for you.