urknighterrant: No. Things are not more complicated than that. You aren't responsible for keeping GOG's employee's housed, clothed, and fed. It's not your call. You don't even get a say.
monkeydelarge: No shit, dumb ass. Of course it's not my call. But I do have a say. It's called freedom of speech. And as long as the actions of other people affect me because we are all stuck on the same planet, I will make use of this freedom. If we all had our own planets, then I'd be quiet as a cat hunting for food but we don't all have our own planets unfortunately. Unfortunately, I have to share this planet with a wretch like you.
If you think, being responsible for employees means you should support censorship, then you just don't get it. By your way of thinking, it's okay to sell sex slaves and illegal weapons because it keeps employee's housed, clothed and fed... And anyone who brings right or wrong into the picture is just childish or stupid, right? Who gives a fuck if Hatred is suppressed and this encourages more censorship to the point, that playing a violent video game will get you sent to prison, right? Who gives a fuck if our world becomes so polluted, that we have to purchase clean oxygen every day to survive, right? Who gives a fuck about our future because the only thing that matters is making the maximum amount of $$$ possible, right? FUCK YOU.
And FYI, to think those who work for GOG will cease being housed, clothed and fed if GOG sells Hatred is beyond retarded. GOG selling Hatred won't mean GOG going out of business. How dumb are you? You really think, everyone is going to boycott GOG if they start selling Hatred? HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH Most people are the live and let live type so even if they find Hatred disgusting, they won't boycott a store they like just because that store started selling Hatred. They just won't buy the game. A lot of GOGers think Postal 2 is a disgusting game but because they are nice people who don't see themselves as the thought police, they still continue to support GOG.
Jonesy89: Your freedom is hardly being impaired in the event GOG refuses to carry the game. In fact, the advent of digital distribution and the fact the devs are planning on selling it through their site means that it will be available for you to buy short of government censorship.
monkeydelarge: Bullshit. Of course my freedom will be impaired. Not right away but later down the road. If you can't see that, then I feel sorry for you.
Trying to talk sensibly to this guy is like trying to teach algebra to a puffer fish.