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I think this (and any) company has a right to publish a game, regardless of how crude.
There is a target audience for any genre of any form of entertainment.
Just because this may conflict with the morals of some, avoid it.

This being said, my opinion stands as such:
I am a devout Catholic and I will not be making this game one of purchases for my
own moral and religious reasons. I am tolerant of this game and company and wish them
the best.. but I am not one of it's target audience members, simple as that.

For me, there is a point of violence that is acceptable, and this is coming from someone
who plays GTA 5 in his household. Haha

Just my two cents!

- Tim
Post edited October 27, 2014 by TimTom92
monkeydelarge: But if GOG doesn't sell Hatred, there will be backlash too.
This is true, but I don't believe the backlash would be as damaging, nor as relentless as SJW's, "journalists", "trolls", etc
shane-o: In my mind, the only logical reason GOG wouldn't sell Hatred, besides "bad taste", would be fear of backlash (social media and "journalists")
monkeydelarge: But if GOG doesn't sell Hatred, there will be backlash too.
I've finally come around to watch the trailer of Hatred to know what everybody's talking about. I think you are both right. The game might create quite some scandal and GOG selling it might put them in the line of fire - and as a business they have to consider their public face.

On the other hand, GOG is selling Harvester and Postal/2 - games that were hugely disputed when they came out and caused quite the uproar. Not selling Hatred for "moral" reasons would make GOG look not just a little bigoted.

I think chances are pretty high that the game just sucks (as a game). In that case - problem solved.
RWarehall: To be fair, the game could play like crap and be crap. If that turned out to be the case, I'd support GoG in not releasing it. The game should be considered on its merits as a game, not based on any social agenda.
Jonesy89: So in other words, the determination of the game's quality should be purely objective? I don't think there's exactly a shortage of people in the community who have already pointed that out why that's not really possible, but to recap, all determinations of a game's quality are determined by the subjective tastes and criteria of each person; granted, a person should try to apply their criteria to the game objectively, and trying to examine the merits of one's own merits is important, but inherently subjective criteria as premises means that any conclusion about the game is inherently subjective. Being purely objective would forestall any evaluation of quality of a game beyond whether or not it has any number of features that allow it to function, and even the basics of 'fun' could never be considered.
And I've stated before that people can often generally agree on quality. I'm sure the vast majority of people would take the Mona Lisa over someone's 4-year-old crayon art. The problem is your use of "purely objective". Once you start bringing absolutes into the equation, of course it can't "absolutely" be determined. But this doesn't stop nor prevent the attempt. Take a buggy game where you fall through the world a lot, no hi-res, and the controls react poorly if at all. We've all probably tried such shovelware. And most of us are going to agree the game is crap.

So bringing logic into the issue is meaningless. My statement stands, What I hope from GoG with regards to this title, is to judge it on its merits as a game. Is it polished? Does it compare favorably to similar games in the catalog? If so, it belongs.
Post edited October 27, 2014 by RWarehall
urknighterrant: Maybe you've heard of the supreme court? Miami Herald vs. Tornillo would make a good start, but there are a number of times editorial control of corporate media has been upheld. Of course anyone who believes in Freedom of the Press would take that as read without a citation.

But that's not really relevant.

You're not asserting a logical argument. You're asserting a moral one. You're asserting that GOG is attacking your freedom if they don't sell hate. I am asserting that it is YOU who are failing to respect GOGs freedom to run their privately held business whose owners still have REAL skin in the game (and employees that depend on them) in the way they feel is right.

That is not a logical argument. It's a moral one. I simply don't buy your contention that GOG has some kind of moral obligation to sell a murder simulator if they don't want to, be it because they fear public backlash, government censorship (which does exist in markets that GOG serves), or just plain bad press; or be it because it simply defies their moral and/or religious sensibilities.

Your freedom is not more important than theirs.

Your freedom stops at the end of MY nose. You have no right to assert control over me or my property, and you are quite right that there are many bad laws on the books that do this. They force me to put political ads I don't support on my billboards, they tell me what color I can paint my house and big my windows can be. They tell me where I can build my business and even who I can and can't hire.

Yes... There are many examples on the books of your idea of "freedom", and they are bad laws.

That is not the case here.
monkeydelarge: "You're not asserting a logical argument. You're asserting a moral one. You're asserting that GOG is attacking your freedom if they don't sell hate. I am asserting that it is YOU who are failing to respect GOGs freedom to run their privately held business whose owners still have REAL skin in the game (and employees that depend on them) in the way they feel is right."
If GOG doesn't sell Hatred, then they are supporting censorship. < - Logic. And censorship not only attacks my freedom but the freedom for everyone else too so this isn't just about me. <- Logic. And censorship can be used as a dangerous weapon by malevolent people who want to destroy freedom. <- Logic. Just open a history book and you'll see this. So those who truly love freedom hate censorship.<- Logic. So if a store supports censorship then that is a misuse of freedom and I find it disgusting. <- Morals. Where is it written that in order to love freedom, I have to love every despicable act done due to people having the freedom to do what they want to do? I'm not failing to respect anyone's freedom. I simply have no respect for actions that support censorship. Not respecting someone's actions = not respecting their freedom is the product of a retarded mind.

" Your freedom is not more important than theirs. "
Who said my freedom is more important than theirs?

"Your freedom stops at the end of MY nose."
Good, I wouldn't want it any other way because the same freedom benefits me too. It prevents control freaks from turning me into a puppet with strings attached.

"You have no right to assert control over me or my property, and you are quite right that there are many bad laws on the books that do this. "
No shit, Sherlock. I never said I have the right to control you or your property but I have the right to judge you as a idiot, for example. I also have a right to see you as disgusting or evil and not want to do business with you. I have the right to say you are being immoral for supporting censorship. That is freedom of speech. Just like I have the right to judge GOG and not do business with them anymore if I don't want to. Freedom cuts both ways... But hopefully, they will do the moral thing, take a stand against censorship, be reasonable and sell Hatred.

I grow tired of debating with you because all you seem to do is unleash straw man after straw man, trying to make it look like, I believe only I should have freedom and nobody else should but that is not the case.
GoG deciding not to sell it doesn't mean they support censorship. It means they don't want to sell it. you can assert any idea you want on that that supports your argument, but the truth is that they already choose not to sell a LOT of games. A bunch of indie devs have approached and been denied already. Refusing to sell this game could be a simple business decision (should they choose not to) of dollars and cents. But you want to make it about censorship since that fits your agenda that the world is out to punish you and people like you for being a "free thinker."

Sometimes, things just are what they are without some political motivation behind it. Sometimes it's a financial decision, and sometimes a PR one. I wouldn't fault GoG for refusing to sell this game based on "too controversial" and not wanting groups to crusade against them so that they can stay in business. They make those decisions based on not wanting to fire their employees and pack up shop regardless of the "censorship" that is may seem to support because simply put they have to do what's in their best interests to stay afloat first and foremost before they can completely stick to their guns. It's why they have regional pricing now despite the backlash from it, because principles don't always pay the bills.
At the end of the day, what matters to me most is whether a game is fun, but the premise of this game is a bit too disturbing to make it fun for me. I obviously have nothing against violence in video games, but when the setting and NPCs mimic that of real life (as opposed to, you know, a military base on Mars), it weirds me out. Plus, as the gaming medium tries to shed its social stigma, games like this aren't exactly helping at all. Despite gaming's perceived nerdiness, most gamers have probably been in a position where they willingly showed, named, or described some of their favorite games when being asked about it by friends. Imagine showing or describing Hatred to your non-gaming friends. That would make things a bit awkward and creepy, don't you think?

As to whether GOG should be selling Hatred, I really don't mind either way, but I do have a feeling the backlash on this game will be severe. Hell, Epic is already cutting its ties.
paladin181: GoG deciding not to sell it doesn't mean they support censorship. It means they don't want to sell it.
Maybe I'm not good with the search engine (again) but has there actually been a statement by GOG that they won't sell this game?
paladin181: GoG deciding not to sell it doesn't mean they support censorship. It means they don't want to sell it.
Piranjade: Maybe I'm not good with the search engine (again) but has there actually been a statement by GOG that they won't sell this game?
Considering the game is still in development and will not be released before in about a years time....
paladin181: GoG deciding not to sell it doesn't mean they support censorship. It means they don't want to sell it.
Piranjade: Maybe I'm not good with the search engine (again) but has there actually been a statement by GOG that they won't sell this game?
The only statement of GOG concerning the game (I don't remember the name of the article or the website) was that "the game will follow the common procedure for game submission/approvement" (meaning : waiting at least for a near-final build and see if it fits gog catalogue or not a this point of time). So that's the normal and rational stance from a business POV.
TimTom92: I think this (and any) company has a right to publish a game, regardless of how crude.
There is a target audience for any genre of any form of entertainment.
Just because this may conflict with the morals of some, avoid it.

This being said, my opinion stands as such:
I am a devout Catholic and I will not be making this game one of purchases for my
own moral and religious reasons. I am tolerant of this game and company and wish them
the best.. but I am not one of it's target audience members, simple as that.

For me, there is a point of violence that is acceptable, and this is coming from someone
who plays GTA 5 in his household. Haha

Just my two cents!

- Tim
I absolutely agree. A private business should be left alone to run it's business as it sees fit. But that doesn't seem to be at issue. monkeydelarge is upset because GOG might NOT publish it. He seems to believe that GOG has a moral obligation to post it because if they don't it's "censorship".

If YOU owned GOG would YOU publish a murder simulator? How about a school shooting simulator? How about a game called "Abortion Doctor" or "Pedophile Cannibal"?

I wouldn't.

That's not censorship. It's simply me asserting my property rights. If I feel a murder simulator stands in contempt of common decency I have as much right to NOT sell the game as I have to sell it.
Post edited October 27, 2014 by urknighterrant
And whatever happened to withholding judgement until you actually know something. Right now, we have seen one angsty publicity trailer. We've already had false-reporting about the designers being pro-Nazi. To be frank, we have little idea what this game actually is and whether it is worth playing at all. Heck, we don't even know if the game will even get finished

I think this debate is getting a bit pointless. Too many people taking sides whether some unfinished game should be on GoG. Let's see what this game actually is before judging it.
RWarehall: And whatever happened to withholding judgement until you actually know something. Right now, we have seen one angsty publicity trailer. We've already had false-reporting about the designers being pro-Nazi. To be frank, we have little idea what this game actually is and whether it is worth playing at all. Heck, we don't even know if the game will even get finished

I think this debate is getting a bit pointless. Too many people taking sides whether some unfinished game should be on GoG. Let's see what this game actually is before judging it.
That seems like the dev's problem to me. They're the ones who went out of their way to make sure that they did the minimum of work on marketing the game by producing a trailer and several comments that were focused more on creating spectacle then providing much in the way of actual information about the game. The problem is that what they have released does not paint a very flattering picture of the game thus far; all I know about it is that it's about killing civilians as the primary goal to advance, and that it was made in direct opposition to the idea that games are art by focusing on exploitation. They could have provided more data to actually give a better idea of what the game is and why it isn't as bad as it looks to mitigate (or at least inform as much as possible) the ensuing shitstorm, but they didn't.
Post edited October 27, 2014 by Jonesy89
urknighterrant: How about a school shooting simulator?

urknighterrant: How about a game called "Abortion Doctor"
Arcade or simulation?

urknighterrant: or "Pedophile Cannibal"?
I'm sure Japan already has it...

What does coming up with these ideas tell about you? No offense meant, but the "would you" question is rather pointless, because there always are people who would and people who wouldn't. It's just one more spin that keeps and endless debate going.

RWarehall is right. Right now we have a trailer for a game that is far from finished. I think everyone has to decide for themselves if that trailer is provocative/disputable or scandal mongering attention whoring. It's a grey area really.
RWarehall: And I've stated before that people can often generally agree on quality. I'm sure the vast majority of people would take the Mona Lisa over someone's 4-year-old crayon art. The problem is your use of "purely objective". Once you start bringing absolutes into the equation, of course it can't "absolutely" be determined. But this doesn't stop nor prevent the attempt. Take a buggy game where you fall through the world a lot, no hi-res, and the controls react poorly if at all. We've all probably tried such shovelware. And most of us are going to agree the game is crap.

So bringing logic into the issue is meaningless. My statement stands, What I hope from GoG with regards to this title, is to judge it on its merits as a game. Is it polished? Does it compare favorably to similar games in the catalog? If so, it belongs.
So the qualification for something to be put into the catalog is that it functions? That's not exactly a high bar to meet, nor is it one that any sensible business should use. As to your final question of how the game compares with other games in the catalog, my point is that "how the game compares" is an inquiry that will vary wildly from person to person. Some people will like it for reasons I cannot fathom, others will feel indifferent, others will hate it, and there will be a slew of people somewhere along the spectrum, and all of them will react for different reasons. Some will only look to the functionality of the mechanics, while others will take 'fun' into consideration (which is inherently subjective), and some will take into consideration the artistic merit or tastefulness of the game (especially when dealing with this kind of subject matter). Calling for the game to be judged by its own merits inherently means that some people will evaluate it based on criteria you don't agree with; if you maintain that you want it to be evaluated on its own merits but that you don't want the merits of the game to be evaluated based on how it approaches the subject matter, whether it is subjectively fun, or anything of the kind, it comes off more like you are asking GOG to evaluate it only on the criteria that matter to you. I hate to break it to you, but those criteria aren't the only ones that matter when it comes to evaluating a game based on its merits.
Post edited October 27, 2014 by Jonesy89
shane-o: In my mind, the only logical reason GOG wouldn't sell Hatred, besides "bad taste", would be fear of backlash (social media and "journalists")
Err, they could refuse to sell it simply because it's not an interesting game / too niche / they dislike it / they're simply not interested in this product / They don't agree on the price?

I mean, they refuse games all the time. I don't think they refused to sell the Winter Wolves RPGs and VNs a few weeks ago because of "backlash", but simply because they did not like the games and/or thought it would not sell well enough.
No need for conspiracy nor censorship. Just plain "THAT game? Mmmm... Nah, not a good fit for our store"
GOG does not have a holy duty to carry every game in the creation, they made that point often enough with their many refusals to other indie devs.

They sell what they want, when they want. As is their right, even if some of us sometimes regret it (I wanted to see the Winter Wolves catalog here, but I won't scream "dictatorship!" because they decided otherwise)
Post edited October 27, 2014 by Kardwill