JKHSawyer: However, there is an important thing you must understand about Postal and Hatred. Even in Postal, slaughtering innocents is PLAYER CHOICE. You only have to kill the cops to proceed.
Postal 2 shows how thinly-veiled that player choice is sometimes. You can get complete the get milk objective by going to the store and waiting in line like everyone else, sure. You’re not supposed to though. Just like you’re not supposed to follow the rules of traffic in GTA. We’re stuffed with games where the hero is a mass murdering psychopath, and find it perfectly acceptable because the game insists he’s a good guy, even though what’s on screen doesn’t support that at all. It’s gotten to the point where it would actually be refreshing to have this conversation:
‘So what’s the hero like?’
‘He’s a mass murdering psychopath.’
‘So he’s out to avenge his dead wife, right?’
‘No, he’s just a mass murdering psychopath.’
‘But he only kills criminals right? Or terrorists?’
‘Mass murdering psychopath. How are you not getting this?’
‘Steve, I don’t feel we’re on the same page here.’