Yummlick: And to be honest I think that your's "allow everything" is far more radical opinion, than mine "ban things in some cases". Think about it.
Not, it isn't, because i'm not IMPOSING my view down everyone's throats like you are doing. When you defend a ban, what you are defending is "in
my opinion this game is offensive therefore no one should be able to play it". What i'm defending is: if you find the game offensive, don't fucking play it, no one is forcing you to do so. If you don't, then play it if you want.
I'm defending people being free to decide what they should or shouldn't play, you are defending restricting people's freedom and you think i'm being more radical? I'm defending the right of being able to choose what you want to play or not, you are defending taking away that right. You don't have to be a genious to realize which "opinion" is more radical.
Yummlick: Oh, thanks for explaining me what I'm doing. But if I was to rephrase my argument, then I'd say it sounds more like: "Hey, some things are illegal (for good reasons), therefore this game could be too (if there's a good reason)."
But there isn't a good reason. Just the fact that we have this thread with so many people who agree with having the game here already proves that.
Yummlick: Less serious tone, less graphic presentation and, as you rightly pointed out, it was far from being the games main goal. What is your point, again?
My point is that the "context" difference is too subtle and it makes me wonder where the the line is between what's acceptable and what isn't. Having optional missions in which you can play as psychopath murdering everyone is ok, having a game (that is also optional since you don't have to buy it) about a psychopath murdering everyone is not. The lack of rationality in that argument blows my mind. You are just appealing to emotion at this point, it's impossible for you to rationally defend your position.
Yummlick: Let me quote in case you missed it: "
Less serious tone, agressive and "evil" enemies, less realism, less sensitive theme etc. etc. It all makes mentioned games less offensive."
What's the maximum level of offensive content a game can have then? Care to explain? And how do you define "offensive"? By your personal beliefs? Or do you have something more precise?
Yummlick: You seem to campare these games only by their themes here. Postal didn't depict murder in as realistic manner as Hatred. The mood of that game was much different too.
Of course the first Postal is not as realistic, it was released in 1997, the characters were primitive polygon models. It couldn't have been more "realistic" than that at the time.
Yummlick: I'm not "distorting" your arguments, but I do simplify them to extract the most basic points standing behind them. And in case of above paragraph you're again focusing on pushing the boundaries of graphical representation of violence in video games. Yes, you are right that 'violence is much more acceptable in games today than it was 10 years ago". Is it some huge success of the industry? Does violence make for more mature games? Is this the direction industry should focus on?
For fuck's sake, stop pulling a strawman all the time. I'm not saying anything about violence making games more mature or being the direction the industry should focus on. All i'm saying is that if developers
want to make a violent game, they have much more freedom now than 20 years ago. And that's a good thing, because developers are free to explore and make the game they want to make. If they want to make a game without any blood, that's fine, if they want to make a violent game, that's also fine. What i'm defending here is freedom. Let developers and publishers "draw their lines".
Yummlick: Alright, here it is in a more straightforward form: For the time being "the line" is somewhere inbetween killing innocent civilians and murdering children/raping.
Could you be more precise? Where is the line?
Yummlick: How do I know this? Well, as we can see, killing innocent civilians (in games) in some (mostly less graphic and serious) forms is considered acceptable by majority of population and killing children/raping is not.
That's very imprecise.
Yummlick: And no, these games shouldn't be banned, but censoring them was a good idea.
Why not? They have killable children, which is "beyond" the line of what's acceptable and what isn't according to you. Double standards much? Fun fact: Hatred does not have killable children or animals (the devs said in their FAQ).
Yummlick: If "I and many other people" are the majority among interested parties, then the answer to your questions is "yes". That's how it works.
No, that's not. If what you are saying here is true, then no minority would ever have any rights. You are aware that nazism also had "the majority of interested parties" supporting it in Germany, right?
By the way:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyranny_of_the_majority And i'm not even sure we are talking about the "majority" here. We have more votes for Hatred on the wishlist than against it.
Yummlick: Here's a funny thought experiment for you: You and "many other people" should decide that everything is acceptable? Only your opinion matters, is that it? Basically what you're saying here is that you think Hatred is acceptable because you and "many other people" said so.
Nice try distorting my arguments, but that's not how it works. In case you didn't notice, there's a huge difference between defending the
choice of having access to that "offensive" content and outright banning it, making it impossible for anyone to access said content. Can you see the difference between our arguments? I'm defending that people should be able to choose, you are defending that people should not be able to choose because [u
]you think it's innapropriate.
No one is forcing you to find the game acceptable, what i'm saying here is that it's not right to
impose your opinion down everyone's throats. Let each person decide what they want to play or not. If you find it disgusting, fine, it's your opinion, but don't try to restrict other people's right just because of your opinion. People who find that game acceptable should be allowed to play it. Take your censorship elsewhere.
Yummlick: Again, "allow everything" vs. "ban some things". I'm wondering what is more radical...?
One position grants people freedom, the other tries to limit freedom for no reason. If you have at least half a brain it's not very hard to see which one is more radical.
Yummlick: That's pretty imprecise question. I don't know what opinions Jack Thompson and fundamentalist christian groups have on the subject of video games, but I do think that some boundaries should stay untouched.
Well, if you agree with Jack Thompson then i have nothing else to say on the matter. You're clearly one of those selfish intolerant people who want to oppose and censor anything that goes against their personal belief. No amount of rational arguments can change this kind of people.
Well, good luck with your witch hunting crusade. I'm done here, we have nothing else to discuss.