HeadClot: I am a Unreal Engine Game dev - I find this game a breath of fresh air. I am not a dev on hatred.
Here is why -
1. People Watch movies such as Kill Bill, etc. Why cannot some video games be the same?
2. It pushes the boundaries of games. While In a negative way - I feel that video games are an art form.
3. We have games such as Lucius (Where you play as the son of Satan and kill your family) and GTA (Mass Murder Sim 1.0) Why does this game get so much hate when it tries to push the boundaries of Political correctness?
The art style is pretty good for a small group of people. :)
I wonder if it will be open world?
PS - We even have game like Hotline Miami which the game play is about the same that of hatred KILL Everything.
Here is a few of those games Trailers for the uninformed. :)
Hotline Miami -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HQshGnjpo0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqr0yUuSiTs Lucius -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXvdFjEPVyg PS - It is getting a sequel -
Lucius 2 -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLmZrqga6mM I do not think that I need to go on here. :)
Now look at Hatred - how is it different from any of the games listed above?

Jonesy89: Kill Bill wasn't about slaughtering innocent civilians. It was at its heart a film about revenge by way of killing assassins in combat. As for games as an art form, I agree. It's a shame that the devs on Hatred designed the game to deliberately not be an artistic statement, if their comments are to be believed. If there were any indication that the devs were going to use the violence for some artistic goal, I might find it interesting; to quote Yahtzee from his Extra Punctuation column:
"Killing monsters? Great. I'm all over it. Pile them in with a fucking snow plow and I'll make with the rockets. Killing cartoon villain humans in a silly game, like Deadpool? Rock on, laugh it up. We're not really supposed to identify with Deadpool, anyway, just point and laugh.
Killing humans in a game to establish that our character has completely lost it, as in God of War and Spec Ops? Like it. Player-protagonist disconnect, very effective storytelling tool. Go nuts. Killing in self-defense because the guys are trying to kill you? Well, yeah, alright, as long as you never consider it something to be done casually. And that starts getting iffy when you start pre-emptively snapping necks before they've even had a chance to bring their individual intentions across."
From what I can tell, none of those purposes are being served. The game is playing itself fairly straight and is all about killing outside of self defense. Maybe there's an argument that the game is meant to serve the purpose that I bolded; given the subject matter of the game, it certainly seems that's the one that's most likely applicable to Hatred. Sadly, the devs comments seem to counter that possibility:
These days, when a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct, and trying to be
some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment--we wanted to create something against trends," the studio said about Hatred."
By their own words, there is no aspiration to use the violence to serve some artistic purpose; it's supposed to be straight up entertainment in and of itself. The gloomy, depressing mood and the sounds of civilians plead while begging for their life is supposed to be inherently entertaining without any other context. That might not be so bad in a comedy game or whatnot where the violence was whacky and silly, but again, the game is reveling in the nastiness of the main character, not so we can gain an insight into the nature of what drives someone like this to commit murder or so that we can be shown the consequences of our actions. In the information presented thus far about the game, we are supposed to find it entertainment because we find killing civilians in and of itself entertaining, no more, no less.
That said, I don't want this game to be banned. I am, however, going to avoid it so long as the information available continues to indicate that it has no artistic merit to its otherwise tacky violence. It's not that I think that this is to be condemned for causing school shootings; it's that I think that the material thus far released paints an image of a shit game. But hey, who knows, maybe the gas leak in the dev's office will get fixed and they will start putting effort into providing some context for the violence that, while still being uncomfortable, serves good narrative.
Fair enough - I respect your opinion and Here is my 2 cents on the topic. Killing is still killing no matter the context. We (as in video gamers) have killed more
people than the combined casualties on D-Day. Possibly even World War 2 think about that.
But lets not stop there what about pen and paper RPGs Like Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder?
What about Movies and their glorified version of killing people? I recall seeing in a sum of all fears a russian nuke going off leveling most if not all of Baltimore.
I think that video games can be a much more interactive platform of story telling, Creation, and even Destruction. I welcome the possibilities. However I am going to quote 2 wise men one Cinema / television and the other from The history of the united states of america.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied – chains us all, irrevocably" - Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart)
"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism." - George Washington
I can see both things happening in games and games development. My advice to those saying censor the game and don't let it on gog
Vote with your wallet and with your clicks. :)
Again my 2 cents.